Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekly Calendar ~ SuperMom Monday

Hello!  And Welcome to SuperMom Monday!  We all have some sort of SuperMom, or SuperGirl, or SuperWifey in us, although rarely do we ever actually believe it.  But trying our hardest is what counts, right?  RIGHT!

So for my first order of striving for SuperMomdom I acknowledged my disdain for calendars yet my desperate need for one.  It's not that I hate calendars, I just never wanted to use one.  Crazy, I know!  But the original SuperMom, my Mom, couldn't live without hers and growing up I never understood why.

She had a HUGE legal desk calendar nailed to our wall and each 4"x 4" block was crammed filled with tasks of the day.  One day my brother ripped that month off to play a trick and she dang-near had a nervous breakdown!  But alas, I have grown and kind of matured and my eyes have been opened.  My SuperMom had 6 kids of her own and usually was fostering 2-4 other kids at any given time.  Hence the HUGE legal calender that kept her sane.  With 5 kiddo's of my own & twins on the way, I am now a convert.

When I found this calender on Pinterest from The Creative Crate I fell in love.  It was different, it was dry-erasable, customize-able, it was cute...
and I wanted it. 
Apparently The Creative Crate Lady bought this version at Walmart for $10!  SCORE!  I didn't want to wait that long being that I had the rare time right here, right now to get one done so I made one myself.  I had the perfect spot to hang it on the wall between the kitchen and the mud room, right across from my built in desk.  Yes, I said my desk.  My SuperMom station.
I had a bunch of black picture frames laying around to use.  Any color or wood frames would work too just as long as they were all the same (mix & match if you want to ~ you're SuperMom and can do anything you want, remember?!)  Anyway I layed them out on my dining room table to find the arrangement I liked.  Then flipped them over so the glass was facing down and brought out my SuperMom weapon of hot glue gun!  A quick POW BANG & POP later and all frames were attached to one another. 

Now the fun part!  I grabbed a bunch of scrapbook paper and found colors that matched my decor.  I opted for more solid colors as opposed to prints.  Then I played around with what colors looks best where before I cut them to fit.  How to hang it...that took me a minute or 10 to figure out.  But Command Strips for hanging pictures saved the day!  So I did have to learn a bit more patience before hanging it as a trip to Wally World was in order.  If you've never used these magical removable strips and hooks don't worry.  Super easy to use, just follow the directions.  You'll be hooked, literally! 

I chose to fill one of the frames in with a set of 'Family Rules' that I saw here and just fell in love with.  You can find my printable Pin'd version here.   
I also designated a frame to be used for a Weekly Menu Planner that I saw from CGDickson.  This is still on my SuperLong to-do list, but watch for my tutorial coming soon!  Right now I just use it like the rest of the frames on my calendar and write what's for dinner with a dry-erase marker.
Organization.  A key to success for SuperMom's everywhere.  Embrace your need for a calendar.  Love it.  Live it.  Laugh when your 4 year old rubs off Friday-Sunday.  She just gave you those days off, right?
Tell me what you think!  SuperMomish or SuperSucky?  


  1. I think that incorporating daily life into your decor is so fun! And these all look great! Thanks for sharing at the Pinterest Challenge.

  2. What a fun idea! Is it easy to keep up on? I think I'd get behind and that would drive me crazy! Thanks for sharing! I’d love for you to visit us at Get Your Crap Together!

  3. Chealsea ~ I have my own calendar/day planner so I don't forget what's coming up throughout the month. But my kids love being able to look at this to see what's happening each week. It also forces me to meal plan ~ they like that too!


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