Monday, April 8, 2013

Bye Bye Winter Coat ~ FURminator Blog Ambassador Award

I have many animals that I live amongst, some of them in the 'pet' category and one in particular that I LOVE LOVE LOVE to use a magical tool on.  Let me first introduce you to Walter, short for Walter Sobchak, a huge lovable character who looks tough and gruff but really is just a 
baby cuddly teddy bear.

Every so often I come across a product for my SuperMom Toolbox that I just can't live without.  Gadget's and gizmo's that make my busy life as a Wife and Mommy of 5 with twins on the way a little bit easier.  And as spring has now sprung and Walter's winter coat is falling off in hunks all over the place, let me introduce you to the best shedding tool known to mankind.  If you have a dog, or a cat, or both....chances are you know what the heck the FURminator actually is and the awesomeness that it accomplishes!
So this crazy yellow contraption receives my very first Blog Ambassador Award of Awesomeness and it's stamp of approval!  The FURminator was invented for people like me who LOVE the Walter's of their worlds but not their shedding.  While the fine fur experts claim that "FURminator deShedding Tools can help you reduce the amount of loose hair in your house by 90%" I am here to tell you "YES!  It's true!  It's the most awesome and best de-shedding tool that I have ever owned!"  Oh you want me to prove it, do ya?  No prob.  Let me just go 'round up my trust steed Walter....

Ok.  So products that I recommend as your personal Blog Ambassador are because I use them, and love them, and/or they make my life easier in some way, shape, or form.  Walter's Yellow Brush as we like to call it, falls into all 3 of those categories which is a big 'ol reason it's my very first recommendation.  
It's also super simple to use ~ I think I'll make that my 4th category.
Now for the How-To:  just pull the brush through the fur going with the grain, and use your free hand to hold the skin/fur taught if you need to.  With Walter and all his lovable and loose skin, we definitely do!  The de-shedded fur falls or gets pulled off the tool.  Walter has really thick weird coarse waterproof hair so we have a pull-the-hunks-of-fur-off-the-brush kinda dog.
All I know is when Walter sees his Yellow Brush in my hand he comes a'running!  He LOVES it!  My only complaint is trying to make him sit up!  He always wants to lay down and get the 5 star treatment.  I guess if he was a cute and tiny lap dog (like he thinks he is) I wouldn't have an issue!

Did I mention to you how much Walter LOVES it?  How he really, truly believes he is a cute and tiny lap dog?  How he is scared of the dark and terrified of loud noises like gun fire and fireworks?  How he once ran away scared after my hubbie opened a soda can?  Coming to Walters defense, he did think the clicking sound was coming from hubbie's handgun!  
Love your furry babies.  Help shed their hot winter coats.  Stop fallen hair balls from becoming tumbling tumbleweeds.  Oh yeah, BONUS ~ awesome bicep workout!  Like I said.....
Leave me a comment!  Awesome, Dude or Leave it for the Dog Groomer, Man! 


  1. I just have to try this on Tiger! He sheds all year but especially this time of year!

  2. Hi,
    Thanks for your visit! We need this! We have a huge German Shepherd, and two other dogs. Thanks for the info!

  3. As a proud owner of 2 felines (don't shoot me!) all I can say is that a good furminator is the key to a happy home!

  4. I'm glad you found the info helpful Kathy! And don't worry Meeha ~ I love kitties =) But until recently we also owned am Amazon Parrot so cat's were kinda outta the question!

  5. Stoppin' by from the Facebook Frenzy! I just liked your facebook page :o) Feel free to visit mine here:


  6. My old Vet once told me about this tool and I thought "ya okay you just want me to buy your s***" apparently I missed a good tool. I need to grab one up for my dog who is shedding his entire coat yet still appears to have more than enough fur!!

    Just added you to my bloglovin blog feed and will be reading your posts, found you on the blogger newbies page

  7. I think he's pretty darn cute too Sherri =) Cropped Stories ~ thanks for stopping by & I liked ya back! Eva, I thought the same thing & tried other brushes before I finally broke down and bought this one. YOU. WILL. LOVE. IT. and so will your doggie!


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