Saturday, April 27, 2013

Liebster Award ~ Sisterhood Saturday

Liebster Award
What?!?  Little 'ol me was nominated for a Liebster Blog Award!!  How awesome is that!  Serena from Operation: Be His Mother ~ a parenting blog inspired by the highs and lows, struggles and rewards of raising a black boy in London ~ is the SuperMom who nominated me.  THANK YOU SERENA  =)
So what exactly is the Liebster Award?  It's an award given to newbie bloggers who are just starting out.  The Liebster is given to a blogger (me) by one of their awesome followers (Serena) who recently received the award themselves.  The intent is to help new bloggers get noticed! 

Like any prestigious award there are rules:
1)  Say "Thanks!" to the Liebster Award nominator on your blog & give them a gracious link back.
2)  Answer 11 questions from the nominator.
3)  List 11 random facts about yourself.
4)  Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 other blogs who have less then 200 followers, or who you think deserves to be noticed.  Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog so they know about it!
5)  Copy & paste the blog award onto your blog ~ show it off!!

Questions from my nominator & to my nominees:
1)  Why did you start blogging?  My life as a wife & mommy of 5 plus twins on the way is, to say the least, crazy!  But also wonderful and amazing and full of eternal memories.  Why not entertain a few people?
2)  If you could eat lunch any where in the world, where & what would you eat?  Easy.  Italy.  Pasta Primavera.  Loaded with Parmesan cheese.
3)  Who, what, and/or where does your blogging inspiration come from?  My life.  Which is my kiddo's and being trying to be their SuperMom.  Oh, and Pinterest.
4)  How do you handle a stressful day?  Not very well most of the time.  I'm getting better at just laughing at it.  "We're Making Memories!" as my hubbie & I say.  Learned that line from my Dad.
5)  What is one thing you hope your children will remember about you?  That I loved them as their Mother, with their names forever written on my heart.
6)  What is your favorite go to recipe?  Easy.  Italian.  Spaghetti, roasted asparagus and garlic bread.  Loaded with Parmesan cheese.
7)  What is your favorite quote?  I go Old School on this one.  "You're crazy!  I like you, but you're crazy!"
8)  What projects are you working on right now?  Finishing the twin's nursery. I painted a 'Two Pea's in a Pod' theme on the wall and now need to make the office turned nursery ready for these babies ASAP!
9)  What is the best thing about you?  I am loyal.  Like a dog.  Sometimes that isn't so good.  But it's a trait that I am proud of.
10)  Will you follow the blogger that recognized you?  Duh!  See answer to #9.
11)  What makes you giggle?  My kids, my hubbie, my St. Bernard, family get-togethers, people falling down...the usual.

Random facts about me:
1)  Started attending college at 16
2)  Deathly afraid of needles
3)  Blood makes me faint (how many kids do I have?!!)
4)  Vegetarian since birth ~ cook meat for my family
5)  Retired Scuba Diving Instructor
6)  Helped open a Charter School for my kids
7)  Met my SuperHubbie on an LDS dating website
8)  Cannot whistle
9)  Gag at the sight of centipeids
10)  Cling to my God and my Guns
11)  Can't keep my hands off my hubbie (how many kids do I have?!!)

My nominees:
(in no particular order......)
1)  Amber from Dimples and PigTales
2)  Mandy from The Comfy Crafter
3)  Jennifer from Home in the Finger Lakes
5)  Fawn from Dear Creatives
6)  Chelsea from Get Your Crap Together
7)  Jamie from Better with Age
8)  Desiree from Your Crafty Friend
9)  Gabby from Essentially Eclectic
10)  Lisa from Lewisville Love
11)  The Pin Junkie

Wow!  Talk about a perfect post for Sisterhood Saturday!  That's one wonderful thing I've learned in my newbie-ness of blogging.  It's a way for women across the world to support each other, compliment one another, cheer for and voice encouraging words when needed (kinda nice for a change!)  Keep it up ladies and we can change the DIY project or recipe at a time! Thanks again Serena  =)  


  1. Thanks for the Liebster Award Marcy! That is so kind of you!

  2. Thanks for the Liebster Award Marcy! I really appreciate it! Have a super Sunday & week ahead. See you again soon. Visiting from

  3. Thank you so much Marcy! I am thrilled you thought of me! Have a great evening!


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