Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stunning Succulents ~ GreenThumb Thursday

My green thumb does NOT come naturally, I have to admit.  Although I love love love to be outside gardening, planting, growing, even mowing my lawn, keeping my plants growing is a whole other talent I have yet to master.  Over watering, under watering, too much sun, too much shade, you name it.  But I try my hardest and never give up.  I can''s one of our family rules!

When I discovered succulents with their very forgiving nature, I thought I'd give growing something indoor's one last try.  I Pin'd a living wreath created from succulent cuttings and couldn't get it off of my mind.  Problem was I didn't have any succulents of my own to cut from.
Photo courtesy of A Garden of Possibilities
What I did find was a 12" x 18" 'succulent tile' selling at one of those big-box warehouse stores.  It was a mixture of smaller sized succulents already rooted into a dirt-style tile backed with mesh, perfect to just lay down in your yard and have a nice patch of succulents.  Oh but I had something different in mind...
Photo courtesy of Prudent Baby
I followed this great tutorial found on Prudent Baby on how she made her Living Succulent Wreath.  I found mine was actually easier (a few less steps) because of the succulent tile I was using.  It didn't look exactly like the one pictured above because of the smaller sized plants.  But hey it's still a Living Wreath, and it's mine!  I even jazzed it up with some bling  =)  
So the How To is really simple, I promise!  A few key materials are needed:
  • Wire wreath frame ~ these sell for around $5 for a 12" frame.
  • Sphagnum moss ~ soak it in water for about 10 mintues before using it.  Or you can score some free moss off the rocks of your creek bed like I did!
  • Fishing line ~ steal some from the SuperMan in your life, or pick up some floral wire.
  • Succulents ~ cuttings or purchased, just get some quick!
  • Floral pins or bobby pins (if you are using cuttings)
The first step is to stuff the moss into the frame.  It will show from the back but don't worry about it.  You can't see it anyway.
Photo courtesy of Prudent Baby
Flip it over and get ready to plant your frame.  If you've picked up a succulent tile like I did, the next step is to cut your tile in strips (2-3 inches wide) and place the succulents inside the frame.  The tile made filling the wreath very fast.  A few strips cut, placed inside, and I was about done.  Next take your extra moss and fill around either side of your plants so the frame does not show.  Don't worry if the moss is sticking out kinda crazy ~ I'll show you how to tame it in a minute.

Now f you have cuttings, stuff the front side of the frame completely with moss first.  
Photo courtesy of Prudent Baby
Ok, so here is the part where the fishing line comes in.  That's what you use to wrap around the entire frame to hold it together.  Simply take your line, tie it to the wire and start wrapping.  Keep the line close together, maybe and inch or two apart.  
Photo courtesy of Prudent Baby
If you used a succulent tile like I did, you are pretty much done.  Don't worry if the line wraps over your pretty plants, it won't hurt them.  Plus the fishing line completely disappears and blends into the plants and moss.  If you are using cuttings you have an extra step or two.  
Photo courtesy of Prudent Baby
Take the end of a pen, or pencil and poke holes around your wreath where you want to place your cuttings.  Use floral pins, or bobby pins, to keep them firmly attached until they can take root.  Continue until your wreath is filled the way you like it (but remember succulents spread so leave a bit of room for them).  

I sparkled mine up but using some wire garland with little crystals and attached them around my wreath using bobby pins.
Succulents are beautiful and amazing.  Break a piece off, throw it on the ground and it roots.  Some people even stay away from succulents because they can "take over" a flower bed.  Me, I love them because they love you back even if you neglect them.  Over watering is their only issue.  Matter of fact it's best to let the soil completely dry for several days before you water them again.  The Living Wreath that you just created is pretty hard to over water because it drains so well.  If planting succulents in a pot, be sure to use soil made especially for them or a cactus potting mix.  A little sun is good for them too, just not complete shade.  So if you have them inside just put them in a sunny spot every once in a while ~ remember, they love to be neglected...just not forgotten! 
I had quite a bit left of my tile and had such a fun time that I ransacked my house and craft shed to find any container I could use as a planter.
A large glass candle holder I filled with rocks, moss, soil & white sand.
This is a vintage sugar bowl (matching creamer in the back ground)
Mason jars are an awesome container for just about anything!
This is a base to a pillar candle.  I broke the glass but held on to the base because it was just to pretty to toss!  Plus I knew I'd find something to do with it  =)
Here are a trio of Manzanita branches that I had SuperHubbie drill a hole in that I filled with tiny pebbles, then soil and topped off with moss.

Succulents.  Beautiful, hardy, care-free and versatile.  What's not to love.  Oh yeah, and you don't have to have the greenest of thumbs to grow them!
Leave me a comment and tell me your succulent story!  Green Thumb UP or DOWN?


  1. This is so beautiful & very creative. I love gardening too. But yours are amazing; Very well decorated. Your blog posts are awesome. Thank you for sharing.
    Visiting from Judy's blog on Pin It Monday Hop #3

  2. these are very nice!I love it!You make it so good arangemant!!!

  3. I've been eyeing these too - thanks for sharing this and where you found a how-to. I like the sparkle you added too. Thanks for linking to the Pinterest Challenge! I'm pinned this as my favorite:)

  4. I really want to get into succulents this year. Love this! Thanks for sharing at our Pinterest Challenge.

  5. Thank you ladies for all your sweet compliments =) Ya'll brightened up my day!

  6. I love all the different ways you used the succulents including the wreath. I would love for you to share these ideas at my Fabulously Frugal Thursday linky.

  7. Amazing and Gorgeous!!!! You are very talented! Thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Not Just a Housewife :)

  8. Love all of these!! I think my favorites are the terrariums though...always wanted to try making on of those :)

    Thanks for linking up for WW!

  9. Thanks Barb ~ I'll see ya Thursday & Link up! Andrea & Paula, thank you ladies for your sweet comments =)

  10. I Looove Succulents! and so does my daughter leaning over the arm of my chair...Love succulents and haven't been a huge fan of wreaths...but this one I could go for! It looks so...oh I just love succulents. Yummy? I'm going to try this. Thanks for posting...Lynaea @

  11. I will have to try this soon! Nicole from southerncharm

  12. I'm glad you ladies loved must have great taste! (wink wink) Send me pics Nicole & Lynea, if you get one done =)

  13. I love the succulent plants and your wreath is amazing! Have a nice day

  14. So pretty!! I would love you to come join my Pin Me Linky Party that starts Friday morning at 8am CST. I allow up to 3 links each week!

  15. Thank you Cristina ~ and Diana...I'll be there! Thanks for the invite =)

  16. Wow that looks like a fun project. Your one turned out looking like one you would pay big $$$ for at a garden store!

  17. Very pretty wreath! I'd love for you to link up a few fun posts at my weekend link party@The Weekend re-Treat! if you haven’t already yet this weekend on The Best Blog Recipes!

    Hope to see you there!


  18. Thanks Piwi Mama =)
    Shauna, I just linked up! Thank you for the invite!

  19. I love succulents! Thanks so much for linking up to Give Me The Goods Monday! Hope to see you again this coming Monday ;)
    Jamie @

  20. Love this! Stopping by to let you know I am featuring you tomorrow on Made in a Day!

  21. Thanks for hosting Diana! Kim ~ thank you so much for featuring me!! =)


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