Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The BEST French Bread Pizza ~ Taco Tuesday

    Although I am a SuperMom in training, I have yet figured out how to stop in the middle of preparing food for my 5 ravenous kiddo's to take pictures.  At least pictures that make my food look appetizing.  But thanks to my Pin I found from What's Cooking with Ruthie I don't need to.  Ruthie is officially a SuperMom.  =)

Photo courtesy of Whats Cooking with Ruthie
For my first Taco Tuesday post, sadly, is not going to be tacos.  Taco Tuesday to me represents a chance to make a home-cooked meal for your family, sit down together, talk to each other and enjoy the moments like these that bring a family closer.  I know I know...kinda sounds like some kinda mushy commercial.  But it's true.  Eating together as a family is important.  Even if everyone's busy schedule means only one night a week.  Try it, you'll love it.  You can thank me later for it.
Photo courtesy of Whats Cooking with Ruthie
French Bread Pizza.  Yep.  But not your mother's French Bread Pizza (sorry Mom! Love ya!)  This pizza has a crunchy crust and not a soggy bottom!  The trick really is simple.  A HOT oven.  I'm talking 500 degree's here Mama's.  But for those already living in summertime weather don't fret.  You only cook it for 10 minutes.  Max.  Nice.  Also, cheese goes on last.  Yep.  Sauce, toppings, cheese.  Once in a while I'm feeling extra Super and sprinkle on some Italian Seasoning or dried Basil to top it off.  

Step 1)  Gather supplies.  Whatever you like on your pizza.  This is so quick and easy to put together you won't even mind making a few different styles.  
Step 2)  Slice the bread and lather on some sauce.  I like to use Classico's Pizza Sauce because for one, it's good.  But also because I save the Mason Jar's it's bottled in for fun project....not telling just yet!
Step 3)  Top it.  For the kiddo's I make one cheese and one cheese & bacon.  SuperDad get's his topped with onion, bacon, jalapeno and pineapple.  Mine simply enough is olive, onion and pineapple.  The twinkies in my belly love it!  
Step 4)  Put it on a pan.  Pop it in your 500 degree oven.  Set a timer for 7 minutes just to check.  I leave mine in for 10 ~ I like the way the cheese get's all golden brown.
Done.  This recipe has been officially moved from my Taco Tuesday Board on Pinterest to my Cooked It=Rotation Board for several reasons.  

  • It's quick and easy.  Takes about 10 minutes to throw together & 10 minutes to cook.
  • It's inexpensive.  This only costs approximately $10.  I added a side salad and a piece of fruit for a all-around kid friendly meal (shhhh... served it on paper plates for a mom friendly dish-free night too).
  • Your kiddo's can help prepare dinner!  You will seriously up your SuperMom status.  
BEST French Bread Pizza

Prep Time:  10 minutes (less if the kid's don't help!)
Cook Time:  10 minutes
Servings:  6

1 loaf French Bread
1/2 jar Pizza Sauce
2 cups Mozzarella Cheese
1 tsp Italian Seasoning or Dried Basil
*other toppings to order! Bacon, pepperoni, onions, olives, jalapenos, pineapple, bell peppers...just to name a few!

Preheat oven to 500 degrees.
Slice bread lengthwise and arrange on baking sheet.
Spread sauce onto each half.  Then add chosen toppings and spread evenly.  Add the cheese last.  Finally sprinkle any seasoning on top of the cheese.
Pop the pizza's in the oven and check after 7 minutes.  To get a nice crispy crust and browned cheese, leave the pizza in for about 10 minutes total.

Sit down together.  Eat together.  Talk to your kiddo's.  Love it.  They will love you back.

Have you tried it?  Leave me a comment!  On your meal rotation list or Save it for the delivery boy?


  1. I don't know why I have never made French bread pizza before! It looks so good and easy! I have pinned this, and added it to my meal planner! Thank you

  2. You are welcome Jennifer ~ and thanks so much for the Pin & sweet comment =)

  3. Hi Marcy!! Thanks so much for adding my buttons to your site! I've just added yours to mine, and I'm also following you on G+ :))


  4. Thanks so much for featuring my recipe... I'm so glad your family loves the French Bread Pizza's! You can't wrong with them :) Have a wonderful day... xoxo~ Ruthie

  5. Ironically I'm making french bread pizza tonight! This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing (again) @ Seasons of a Homemaker. Please share with friends so we can enjoy a big party!!

  6. Thank YOU Ruthie for sharing in the first place ~ that way I could steal it and make my kiddo's love me!


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