Monday, May 6, 2013

Endless Bubbles ~ SuperMom Monday

Kids + Bubbles = Happiness.  Am I wrong?  From the time you are tiny until 112 bubbles make you smile.  And us SuperMom's are all about putting smiles on our kiddo's faces.  Bubbles are cheap.  Bonus for Mom.  But can be messy.  Boo.  And kids can go through a bottle in bubbles in no time flat.  Double Boo.  So why not make your own DIY cheapo-bubbles AND put them in a container in which they can refill their bottle of smiles on their very own?  Double bonus!!

Last year for our annual Family Camping we stayed at a lake during my daughters birthday.  I had Pin'd this recipe for diy bubbles so I thought it would be a fun thing to do at the lake that day.  The ingredients are simple.  2 1/2 cups of water to every 1/2 cup light Karo syrup and 1/2 cup Dawn dish soap (no substitutes!)  You are supposed to microwave the water & syrup together for 4 minutes first before mixing with the soap but being a camper 'n all, I had no such device on hand.  I simply mixed it all together and gave it a try!
Success!  I mixed it all in a large Igloo container and toted it down to the lake.  OK.  I lie.  I had SuperHubbie lug it down.  Why so much?  Well with 10 kiddo's on the trip I wanted to keep them occupied with an endless supply!  And if you noticed in the above picture with the endless supply of 'stuff' in the background we also had 10 adults and 3 babies in tow!  Family Camping is awesome!

Back to the bubbles.  I had little plastic cups for the kids to use for easy dispensing from the our "Igloo 'o Bubbles."  I also picked up all kinds of bubble wands from the Dollar Store.  That way the kids could pick and choose and have their very own DIY Bubble Station.
Then a magical thing happened.  My son discovered a fun trick with a certain kind of bubble wand.  It looks more like a kazoo then a bubble wand.  This is the birthday girl using it the 'correct way' dipping it into the bubbles and then blowing.... Oh, you noticed the background again didn't you?  That white sheet there is actually another Dollar Store game for our lakeside birthday party.  Shower curtain + painters tape = Frisbee Tic-Tac-Toe!  Draw a line in the sand, kiddo's throw a Frisbee at the curtain and WhaLaa!  More smiles.  Just make sure the kiddo's throw away from you!  Sand in your sandwich.  Boo. 
I got off track again, sorry!  So here is how my son chose to use his kazoo-like bubble wand.  He kept it in his cup of bubbles, blew and a massive bubble mass grew!  Oh my talk about giggles and smiles!  Thank goodness I purchased a bag of those because all of a sudden there was a rush for the kazoo wands!  The Dollar Store rocks.
Little cousin wasn't quite as excited about the bubble mass it seemed.  But boy, he sure put some big smiles on our faces  =)
The diy Endless Bubble Station was such a hit last summer I knew it would be something to do again.  I saw this great idea from Gwenny Penny.  She used an empty laundry detergent container for her bubbles.  She simply rinsed it out a few times, grabbed a Sharpie and created her own bubble station without having to purchase a container!  This size will still hold a TON of bubbles.  I'll have an empty detergent container here shortly to use for myself.  Plus I won't have to ask SuperHubbie to lug it outside for me.  Double bonus again!
Gwenny Penny
So go ahead.  Make some bubbly memories this summer.  Do it yourself.  Cheaply.  Easily.  All the supplies are sitting there waiting for you already!  SuperMomdom is easily in your reach.  Endless smiles are just around the corner.  And that's a bonus times 112  =)


  1. What a super fun idea! I'm always up for some cheap endless bubbles. :)Thanks for sharing!
    <a href=">Dysfunction Junction</a>

  2. Bubble even make me happy!! lol
    I've just pinned this...I use the same type of laundry dispenser so I'll have an empty one soon :)

  3. This is such an awesome party idea for kiddos...or even big kiddos. :) Thanks for linking up at Pin It Tuesday!

  4. Bubbles rock and that looks like a lot of fun!

  5. LOVE IT!!! Bubbles are AWESOME!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality! I can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening!

  6. Thanks Christine! See ya tomorrow =)

  7. I'm visiting from the Summer Bucket List Linky! Looks like they had a blast! I love the laundry soap refill. I'm pinning it. I'm also your new follower.

  8. Nothing butter than Bubbles! I'll have to try your recipe with my students and with my visiting relatives this summer!

  9. So glad you ladies enjoyed this! I know me & the kiddo's sure do =)

  10. Hello again, Marcy! So glad to have "met" you this week! :) Stopping by to let you know that I featured you in a blog post today!! I shared your Endless Bubbles as one of my favorite Summer Fun pins!
    Thanks again for sharing! Hope the Summer is getting off to a fun start for your and your kiddos! :*)

  11. Thank you SO much for the feature Brenda! I'll be sharing the love tomorrow =)

  12. we are planning bubble next week when it stop raining and i found the same recipe so that is re assuring that they work but i have to say i am super inspired by your bubble station brilliant


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