Wednesday, May 1, 2013

10 Prepper Mom Must-Haves ~ PreppDay Wednesday

Prepping now-a-day's is much more main stream then it used to be.  It's less back-woods Mountain Man with a home-made porta-potty and more back-yard gardening Mama with a coupon-bought supply stash.  And I for one am embracing it.  I am a newbie prepper, but a prepper nonetheless.  Forget about the usual storing of food, medicine, water and duct tape.  We're talking 10 items that any Mom can prepare to make things a bit more comfy for their kiddo's.

There are many aspects of prepping in which I dabble.  Gardening.  Food Storage.  Supply Gathering.  Home Remedies.  Self Defense.  And one thing I noticed is prepping for a family, and a family with kids, adds a whole other dimension.  So I've come up with a list of what we can do as Prepper Mom's to do just that ~ go the extra mile for our kiddo's.
Tutorial: The Burlap Bag
Having matches and lighters are Prepper 101.  But what if they get wet?  Store strike anywhere matches in a Mason Jar with a sand-paper lid.  Opt to not cut a hole in the top (for easy dispense of matches) to keep matches dry.  Add a lighter or two inside as well.
Image Source
So now we have matches but what about a fire starter.  Kids need warmth you know.  And we need to cook!  Take a Ziplock Freezer Bag (they are the strongest), fill with a bunch of cotton balls and a canister of Vaseline (throw in some extra folded freezer bags ~ they will come in use over and over).  Fluff open your cotton ball, dab on a bit of Vaseline and it's a sure-fire fire starter.  While you're at it pop some Chap-stick into the bag which works just like the Vaseline and great for kiddo's chapped lips.
Source: Prepper Ideas
Good quality trash bags can save the day for your kiddo's.  Ponchos, sleeping bags, a water container, even a mattress if stuffed with leaves.  For more ideas see the source listed above.
Tutorial: Chocolate on my Cranium
Do you know what makes all that 'delicious' food-storage food edible to kids?  Butter.  Butter on anything taste's better, no?  Click on the tutorial to learn how to CAN your own butter that stores for about 3 years.
ReVIVE Series Solar ReStore External Battery Pack with Universal USB Charging Port for Portable E-readers , MP3 Players , Smartphones & More USB Powered Devices
Solar ReStore
A mommy must have for emergencies: solar battery pack for your cell phone!  The last thing you want if the power goes out at home is a dead cell phone.  Pick one up for about $30!  It also charges many other devices ~ nice if you need to entertain your kiddo's for a bit too.
Candle Tutorial: Great Northern Prepper
Scared kid's need light.  Maybe all night long.  Keep a few can's of Crisco handy as well as some wicks for an 'Everlasting Candle.'
Martha Stewart
Leave it to Martha to come up with a stylish and practical way to store seeds for your garden.  Sure the stuff in the #10 cans are good, but don't you want something fresh?  Simply add a couple tablespoons of untreated cat litter to a few layers of tulle and make a moisture-absorbing sachet to keep your seeds lasting for years.  
Bounce Dryer Sheets
No, I'm not worried about static cling when SHTF.  But stocking up on Bounce is smart for a whole other reason.  Mosquito's.  Bounce Dryer Sheets when rubbed on the skin or even hanging out your little one's pocket will deter mosquito's.  And if we're really using them in a bad situation I for one don't want those nasty things sucking on my kid's after landing on who-knows-what kinda dead animal.  Don't settle for the off brands, Bounce is the strongest and the other's are reported to not work!
Zen Countertop Filtration & Purification System
Purifying water is not only essential but a must have for kids.  Depending on your water source a boil might still be in order.  But having some fresh, drinkable, SAFE water ready for your kiddo's to drink and wash with at all times is a must have.  This particular system is even affordable at around $90!

Now my last one might seem a bit weird but it deserves your full attention.  Vodka.  Yep.  And not so you can drink and be merry but for many other reasons that a Prepper Mom should know.  Vodka can be used as a wasp killer, to make refreezable ice packs, lower a fever and disinfect blisters, cure an ear infection and stop a poison oak rash...just to name a few.  An Honorable Mention use is for bartering purposes.  You might need to trade a 1/5 of vodka for some diapers, ya never know!
Image Source
There you go, you Prepper Mom you.  A little at a time.  And don't forget to include your kids in your preparations.  The more they know, the less scared they might be if something happens and you need to bust out your stash.  

I leave you with a special tip/trick from me to you.  Place your storage items under your kids' beds and fill it good!  No more "Clean under your beds!" or forced down on your hands and knees looking for lost shoes.  =)    


  1. Great list! I really like the dryer sheets, I use them to clean my shower doors also, they remove hard water film better than anything else I have tried.

  2. I love the Crisco one (When I've seen the pic I was hoping wasn't to eat!!) and the Vodka infografic: lo vely!
    Pinned from Pin it Powerful Mothering!

  3. LOL! I have yet to EVER eat Crisco and don't plan too (even in an emergency) =)

  4. Great info. My hubby is a prepper, or thinks he is anyway. I keep telling him, ok we can protect ourselves, but what we going to eat, and what about water. One case won't do it.
    These are some really good tips. First thing's I'm going to add to our little stash is the matches, cotton balls, vaseline, and vodka. Then got to start building up water and food supply.
    Started a new pinterest board called preppers. (-; This is post is my first pin ;-D Got to go back and add your storage tips too!

    Thanks for sharing the great info.
    Linda @ Mixed Kreations

  5. How awesome that THIS is your first Pin! Whoo Hoo! Thanks Linda =)


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