Friday, July 19, 2013

Mason Jar Solar Lanterns ~ DIY Friday

Mason Jar Solar Lanterns ~ DIY Friday
I've said it before and I'll say it again, and again later probably.  I LOVE Mason Jars.  In fact they line the floor underneath half of my Queen-sized bed.  Great storage space (hubbie disagrees).  Search Pinterest for 'DIY Mason Jar' and you'll find dozens of great ideas for Mason Jar Lanterns so I thought I'd give it a try.  Seemed quick, cheap & easy so why not?  Now I can say I LOVE my Mason Jar Lanterns.  Plus they are solar ~ Bonus!

Even though I have tons of Mason Jars I still was hesitant to use my prized jars as outside accessories.  So I decided to use my go-to Mason Jar that most people just toss in the trash. What?!!  That's right, I'm talking to you!  If you've ever bought this brand of pasta sauce you might not know that an Atlas Mason Jar hides beneath the label.
Mason Jar Solar Lanterns ~ DIY Friday
Score!  Not only do you get yummy sauce but a bonus Mason Jar.  And as I see it, technically FREE.  Double score!  I use these same jars when making my Mason Jar Herb Gardens that I sell at local craft fairs.  So needless to say I crawled underneath my bed and pulled out several of these jars to use on my project.

Next order of business was obtaining solar lights.  They do make a light made to screw right onto Mason Jars but at a cool $11 bucks a pop I chose to go another route. 
Mason Jar Solar Lanterns ~ DIY Friday
Enter Wally World where I picked up several for only $2.00 a piece.  I actually went and grabbed a Mason Jar in the other isle and brought it with me to the garden section to make sure it fit on top!  
Mason Jar Solar Lanterns ~ DIY Friday
Description here
You will also need wire of some kind.  Scavenge your hubbie's shop like I did if you can.  You could go fancy and use copper wire which would be just beautiful as it aged.  I also stole borrowed some rope from hubbie to string between several trees over a seating area I have outside.  I wanted to use this fantastically rusty aged chain but he wouldn't let me borrow that.  Dang!  Oh yeah, and grab your trusty glue gun.  A favorite weapon of any DIY'n SuperMom.  

Assembly time:  
  1. Plug in glue gun.  
  2. Wait till it get's hot. 
  3. Pop the top off your solar light. 
  4. Line the lip of your jar with hot glue.  
  5. Place solar light on top of jar.  
  6. Cut your wire into desired length.
  7. Loop it around and over** the neck of the jar.
  8. Smile and clap because you are done!
**If you are going to hang from a rope like I did make sure to do step 7 outside where you can loop the wire over the rope for hanging. 
Mason Jar Solar Lanterns ~ DIY Friday
I am proud to say that my $2 Mason Jar Lanterns have been hanging for 1 year and are still shining bright!  Over the winter some water did get into a few jars but I simply cut through the hot glue, poured the water out and re-glued the tops back on.  A better option for water-proofing other than hot glue would be something like a silicone epoxy, but that would be harder to remove in the need of battery changes.  But I have yet to have to change any battery either.   

I have 5 of these lanterns hanging in a 10 x 10 area and it really does light up the whole spot!  My hubbie was skeptical that any light would shine and he was impressed ~ not that easy to do.  I just love sitting out there at night when it cools off from the hot summer day.  Oh, and did I say how much I LOVE my Mason Jar's?

Have you made any type of outdoor Mason Jar Lantern?  Where did you put yours?  Do you love them?  =)


  1. this is such an amazing idea, Marcy! Perfect for both summer and Christmas time!

  2. Oooohhhh...I never thought about Christmas!! Thanks Maria =)

  3. Loving this idea! Well def need to try it. I think I'd like to put something in the jar too - thinking it looks empty. Any ideas??

  4. This is fantastic! I have been saving my jars for some time and this would be a great project for a virgin mason jar crafter like myself. Pinning! Thanks so much!
    Corey from

  5. Nancy ~ they would be pretty filled! Although sand, decorative rocks or sea glass with even a small candle inside would look nice it wouldn't allow the light to penetrate all the way through the jar and therefor not let out as much light. However something more transparent, like clear or colored marbles would!

  6. I love using solar energy when possible and this is a wonderful idea! I was glad to hear your testimony to their longevity! I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing. D@TheShadyPorch

  7. These are so great! I'm glad they've worked for you for such a long time, somtimes these things don't last that long. I am adding them to my backyard must do!
    Thank you so much for linking up on Much Ado About Monday, you are my feature this week! Please come back and grab a button :)


  8. I love this project! So cute! I'm a planning an outdoor wedding in my backyard for a friend next year and this will be the perfect touch - and so easy too! Thanks so much for linking up to our Creative Connection party :)

    Sarah @ Becoming Martha

  9. Thank you for the feature Karla! I'm glad you ladies enjoyed this post! =)


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