Saturday, September 7, 2013

91 Day De-Clutter Challenge? I Accept ~ Sisterhood Saturday

91 Day De-Clutter Challenge? I Accept ~ Sisterhood Saturday
91 Day De-Clutter Challenge by Mary Organizes
I know what you are thinking.  Why in the world am I posting about de-cluttering a.k.a. chores on Sisterhood Saturday?  The day I'm supposed to encourage you ladies myself to take a few moments for me.  Well, speaking for myself, I know how much better I feel when my home is clean and organized.  And when I feel better my whole outlook and self-esteem is improved.  Which in turn makes me a happier mom and wife to my kiddo's and hubbie.  Plus with a clutter free home I'll actually have time to waste spend on me!

91 Day De-Clutter Challenge? I Accept ~ Sisterhood Saturday
My Two Peas in a Pod ~ Hunter and Hartlyn
This awesome challenge from Mary Organizes came just at the right time.  You see my twins were born just one week before school got out for the summer.  And besides the twins I have 5 other kiddo's ages 11 and under.  Yep, that makes a lucky 7.  And needless to say bringing home newborn twins I had to let something go.  And that something was my home.  No excuses here, just a reason.  

91 Day De-Clutter Challenge? I Accept ~ Sisterhood Saturday
So when I stumbled upon this Challenge right before school was to start it was like the skies opened up, angles sang and rays of the sun beat down on my home and highlighted all the junk that had accumulated.  Holy schnikes there's TONS!  Mary's 91 Day Challenge is broken down into rooms and weeks with assignments to do everyday.  Awesome.  I didn't even have to use my brain which still hasn't completely emerged from the lack of sleep and two babies to take care of at once.  Who cares if I've done the baby thing 5 times previous.  This is a whole 'nother ball game ladies!
91 Day De-Clutter Challenge? I Accept ~ Sisterhood Saturday
Now I took the Challenge one step further and will be showcasing my horrendous mess progress with before-and-after pictures.  This will also help hold me accountable and keep me going.  And I hope you will follow along either with encouragement or by doing the Challenge yourself too!  Every SuperMom Monday post will show what I accomplished in the week previous.  For instance, during this past week we worked on the Kitchen/Pantry and Dinning Room where I posted all my disturbing amazing pre & post clutter organization!  Just promise no judging sisters and I WILL de-clutter my home in 91 days.  Thanks Mary!  =)  See ya'll Monday!

Do you have any de-clutter secrets you can share?  I'd love to hear them


  1. Congrats on you little bundles of joy! I really need this! Thanks for posting...I don't think I would be brave enough to post before and afters. I might just take them for myself for posterity!

  2. So glad you stopped by Donna. I am totally freaking about posting pics but I know it will keep me from giving up! I hope you follow along every Monday =)

  3. Hi Marcy! Stopping in from Keeping It Simple Crafts linkup. Love this post and challenge. I shared it via G+, twitter and pinterest, thanks!

  4. Thank you SO much for the shares Bonnie =)

  5. WoW! I have to say I'm so impressed! The challenge sounds awesome but it was your perfect little peas in a pod that really won me over! Big Facebook like and g+ from me. Thanks so much for sharing on the DIY Sunday Showcase.
    Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio

  6. How precious! You are blessed! I am in awe of your energy to take on a challenge on top of the one you live day-to-day! I'm cheering for you! Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch

  7. Thanks so much Therese and D =) Following you too!!


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