Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ PreppDay Wednesday

Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Halloween is just around the corner.  And my 11 year old boy went from years of dressing up as various Super Hero's to this year, wanting to be a Zombie.  I get it...he can't be Captain America forever.  And I am a huge Walking Dead fan (although he can't watch it!) so I'm ok with it.  Now a Zombie costume is easy.  The make-up is a little more tricky.  There are LOTS of really cool examples of Zombie pictures all over the web, especially Pinterest.  But not lots of good tutorials.  So I bring you the best tutorials that I could find, from easy and not so scary make-up to more 'elaborate' so queasy stomachs beware!

Now you might be wondering why I'm doing a zombie make-up tutorial on PreppDay Wednesday.  A day usually left for emergency preparedness and food storage tips.  So I figured whether you are preparing for a rainy day, a natural disaster or a full blown Zombie Apocalypse you'd appreciate these fun zombie how-to's!
The Walking Dead
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Like I said in the beginning the tutorials vary in scariness aka bloodiness.  I saved the worst, or best, for last!  I'm easing you into it folks.  Here we go...

Simple as can be.  Give yourself zombie colored skin with chalk.
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
A simple tutorial with pictures on how to use the zombie make-up kits you can get at the drug store!  
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Tammy Lee Morris
All you need is here is green-colored eye shadow and eyeliner.
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
The Nerdy Girls
A really cool step-by-step tutorial on how to look like you just have a cold to the full blown undead with colored make-up!
Zombie makeup for girls
How to make 'rotting flesh' with non-toxic glue and toilet paper.  No liquid latex needed.
using glue & T.P.
The secret to this zombie skin?  It's a product you probably have in your bathroom drawer...a face mask!
DIY Instant ZOMBIE! No Special Makeup Necessary!
Discount Queens
This tutorial has some great effects using a combination of liquid latex, toilet paper and liquid blood.  Imagine this all over a face!!  
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Make fake wounds cheap with fake eyelash adhesive, foundation and colored eye shadow.
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Makeup Blossom
Here is a great how-to-be-a-zombie tutorial all in one great graphic using school glue and toilet paper.
This is another great tutorial complete with pictures using liquid latex, tissue, and everyday makeup.
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
If your stomach is starting to turn and you are feeling a little sick,
like maybe you are becoming a ZOMBIE yourself...
DO NOT scroll down any farther!
If you love watching The Walking Dead, you are welcome.
You have been warned.

Although there are not as many how-to pictures as I would like this look is created with something different...rolled cotton.
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
A fantastically disgusting tutorial with links to her special Zombified Ebay store, although similar products can be bought at your local Halloween store.
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
This look requires a few zombie prosthetic's that can be found at any Halloween store.  She also uses liquid latex combined with oatmeal for a realistic rotted flesh look.  Although this looks really complicated her tutorial makes it easy to look, well, dead!
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Erin Ashley Makeup
This effect was created using a prosthetic piece for the zipper and the bloody mess is from her home-made gelatin recipe that is less expensive then using this much latex!
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
And finally for some inspiration from the famous Walking Dead zombies check out this link filled with zombies!
Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Ok, if you made it all the way through you are true Dead fans.  You've earned a few special Halloween treats!
The Walking Dead costume for dogs
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Halloween costume
Image source
The Walking Dead costume Daryl Dixon
Image source
 Best Zombie Make-Up Tutorials on the Web ~ Halloween and The Walking Dead
Image source
Happy Halloween  =)
Zombie Cupcakes: Easy Last-Minute Halloween Treat
Easy Zombie Cupcakes


  1. I'm so excited to try this, we are planning on doing a zombie walk!!! Love your tutorial :) Michelle

  2. My husband and I were zombie bride and groom last year. It was one of my favorite costumes ever.

  3. I'm excited to try it too Michelle! I just checked out the way your make-up turned out Jessica and it looks great! =)

  4. My 5 yo wants to be a zombie for Halloween and this post is going to come in handy for His Dad to do the makeup because I Hate Zombies! they terrify me and I not about to have nightmares for a week thanks to a custume, LOL...thanks for sharing...I'll make sure Hubs reads this, I came over to visit you and your army of walking dead from the Dear Creatives party, have a great SaFe Week! lol, Lizy

  5. omg I am showing this to my husband! We LOVE the walking dead!!! Thanks and thanks for linking to the DIY Sunday Showcase,

  6. Oh my gosh Marcy this makes the Halloween make up tutorials I have done look not scary! Some are over the top, but love them just not to look at them! lol Theresa @ DearCreatives thanks for sharing at the party! I'll send peeps over looking for scary!

  7. Fantastic round up! I was excited that my mom told me she was going to go to a zombie halloween party, but then last week something had come up and she could no longer go - i was so pumped to be able to make her a zombie! :(

  8. Ah. Mah. Gah. That was SO fun! My oldest boy and I are both going as zombies this year so I needed this! Awesome ideas! Great photos, too. Thanks! :)

  9. HOORAY!! I'm so glad so many of you have enjoyed this. Looks like zombies will be walking the streets so watch out =)

  10. Great post! I featured you today on my Spooktacular Halloween Linky Round-up! Thanks so much for sharing on Made in a Day! The Linky is open all month so if you have any more Halloween posts be sure to stop and link them up!

  11. I loved when my kids were little and all of their costumes were cute ones picked by me. But when they got older and moved onto the scary costumes I found that I really enjoyed seeing their creativity as they tried to come up with new gross or scary ideas each year.

    I'm a co-host of the Blog Strut hop. That's where I found you and I'm glad I did.

  12. I am impressed and creeped out at the same time!
    We would love to have you share with us at our weekly Super Saturday Link Party. Your recipes and ideas would be a hit with our crowd. It would be our honor to have you join us!

  13. Thanks for stopping by Baking ~ and I just linked up Pinterest ladies! Thanks so much for the invite =)

  14. I have viewed your Zombie Make up tutorial and Features.
    All presentation looks awesome as like as..
    zombie makeup tutorial


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