Monday, September 16, 2013

DeClutter Confessions Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom ~ SuperMom Monday

De-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
I made it through Week 1 of the 91 Day De-Clutter Challenge and I have to admit, I'm a little bit proud of myself!  I find that I'm acutally looking forward to the task of the day because I have enjoyed waking up to a clean and clutter-free Kitchen thanks to Week 1!  So moving on to my next set of clutter confession pictures we were assigned the Kids Bedrooms for the next two weeks.  I started with the easier of the two, the Girls Bedroom. 

De-Clutter your home in 91 days with this plan
Mary Organizes Week 2
I have 3 little girls that all share the same room ages 7, 5 and 2 1/2.  And it's not a big room to begin with.  Because of that I keep most of their toys in the Playroom so that will be a huge job for me when we get to that room in Week 11.  My biggest challenge for their room was their clothes.  I actually started to tackle that and their stuffed animals a couple weeks before I discovered this Challenge so I don't have the closet 'before' pictures but believe me, it was PACKED to the brim with clothes.  You'll see what I'm talking about in a minute.  Let's get to the nitty-gritty...the pictures.  And progress!
De-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
First task of the week: Clearing off the floor and other flat surfaces.  I have a bad habit of not pushing in the trundle bed that the 2 year old sleeps on but I'm happy to say that it's been pushed in every morning, pulled out for her nap and then pushed back in.  And it's made a difference with how the bigger girls view their beds and keeping their floor clean.  After all it gives them twice the floor space when the trundle is away!  The other bad spot was a pile of stuffed animals and a huge stack of books.  I grabbed the top to a hutch that was in storage and used it as their make-shift 'library.'  Once this Challenge is over I plan on painting it to better coordinate with their room.  Most of the furry friends that we kept are not corraled to a blue bucket under the T.V.
Task: Gather all the clothes, sort and organize.
About 2 weeks before school started I had had enough of the girls room and their hoard of clothes.  I had already bagged up tons of clothes (and stuffed animals) when I found Mary's awesome Challenge.  And by tons I mean TONS.  My 7 year old had 27 shirts hanging in her closet.  Ridiculous.  I cut it down to 10.  Thank goodness I hadn't taken the bags to the thrift store yet so I was able to take a picture that you'll see down in the 'Saturday' post.  We have a great store that I donate to that is ran by a church.  If they aren't able to sell the clothes in their store they send them to Africa.  =)
WednesdayDe-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
 So because of the previous clothes-toss their drawers were no longer stuffed.  But they were a disorganized mess.  I purchased a basket from Dollar Tree for each of the girls to keep in their underwear/sock/pj drawer to corral the undies and socks.  In their second drawer I folded their shorts and skirts.  I have now instilled a random drawer check once a week to help motivate them to keep their drawers organized.
De-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
Thursday was all about organizing shelving and toy containers.  As you can see most of their toys are kept in the Playroom so it was a pretty easy day.  I cleaned off all the little trinkets they had been collecting and storing and kept the special ones in their special boxes.  I organized the toys in the little baskets which were pretty good...I was impressed and let my girls know I was proud of that!
De-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
Friday was bed day.  The task was to clear off all the extra blankets, pillows and stuffed animals that tend to pile up on top of the bed and to clean out underneath the bed.  Just like I explained on clothes day, we had already gotten rid of TONS of animals.  Four bags worth people, 4 BAGS.  Plus a giant monkey that my 2 year old recently became terrified of for some reason.  But I didn't mind!  The other bags you see are full of toys from the Playroom so you'll probably see this picture again in Week 11.  A blue bucket sits full of the animals they kept (see Monday) except for my 5 year old's small hoard of must-haves-on-her-bed.  Instead of the pile on the headboard I hung them from a chain with pincher thingies I picked up at a garage sale.  Instead of hanging it vertically in the corner I strung it across her canopy.  As for the under the bed clean-out there was NONE!  A trundle on one side solves that problem, and under the other bed?  Check out this week's PreppDay Thursday to see what keeps stuff from making it's way under that bed too (psst...that's a hint!)
De-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
Saturday:  Closet Day...duh duh duh!  Hallelujah I was already done with this horrible task which took me DAYS to accomplish.  I don't think I would've finished this week in a week otherwise.  5 bags STUFFED full of clothes.  Three girls worth but still.  Never again.  I have resolved that if something comes in, something goes out.  The other 2 bags are from the boys clothes cleanout.  Oh yeah, hidden under the pile of bags is a bag of shoes.  So technically, 6 BAGS!!  The two oldest girls have their shirts hung low so they can hang up and pick out their own clothes.  Their church dresses hang up higher as does the 2 year olds clothes with hers hung in the middle.  I don't even want to think about what this closet will look like when they are teenagers....

Ahhhh.  Sunday.  A day of rest.  I'm going to need it since I will be doing all the same tasks next week for the 9 and 11 year old boys room.  I warned them all week that they would come home to lots of stuff gone.  I didn't see them going through much themselves so it will be a big job.  But I can do it...I think!  

See the DeCluttered Rooms you missed!
Kitchen ~ Boys Bedroom ~ Craft Room ~ Laundry Room ~ Master Suite ~ Living RoomOffice Area ~ Closets ~ Landing Areas Playroom Other Bathrooms ~ Garage

Do stuffed animals drive you crazy too?  Do you feel guilty getting rid of them like I do?  =)


  1. Brava - you are to be commended. I need to start de-cluttering my house NOW if I expect to retire and sell it in 5 years!

  2. Thanks Antionette. Doing just one daily task takes the scariness out of it =)

  3. Thanks for sharing pics. I really feel more happy when I see thet other moms needs to de-clutter as well. And it encourages me to see that it is possible!

  4. I love this post! It is so motivating. Over the weekend, I de-cluttered our playroom. Next, I'll be organizing it. Come on by and check it out when you get the chance!
    -Angela from

  5. Such a great outline on how to manage a big clean-out! Thanks for sharing. Don't forget to link up to The DIY'ers.

  6. Definitely need to save this post...I am always looking for creative ways to declutter! This would be great to link up to Create It Thursday #21…it's live now! Hope to see you there!

  7. Thank you so much ladies!! It motivates me to keep on going knowing that it motivates you too =)


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