Monday, September 30, 2013

DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday

DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
It's Week 4 and I'm already 1/3 of the way through my DeClutter journey.  Hooray!  I've stuck to it thanks to the great feedback I'm getting from ya'll so thank you!!  This week we tackled the 'extra room' which tends to be a guest room or craft room.  If you have a room dedicated as an office we'll get to that in one more month.  I don't have a guest room, craft room or office thanks to these two wonderful bundles of joy so I DeCluttered the kiddo's Art's & Crafts Closet in the Playroom!  

De-Clutter your home in 91 days with this plan
Mary Organizes Week 4
Now I only had to clean out a single closet, be it a giant mess or not, so I de-cluttered the entire thing in one shot.  I took a bunch of before pictures, put the toddler down for a nap, and completed the daily tasks until I was done.  My little one woke up just in time for the after pictures then dove into the coloring drawer to do her thing!  Even though I completed the entire Week 4 in a couple hours I still broke the tasks down daily for those of you who are following along and de-cluttering right along with me!
DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
First task of the new week was to clear the floor.  I know, my closet floor is tiny.  Now you know why I was able to get it all done in a week!  Most of the items I kept so I just sat them aside but I was able to clear away some trash, a GIANT coloring book they haven't touched for 2 years and a art case.  I just kept the contents to be stored elsewhere.
DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
Tuesday's task was clearing the surfaces.  Tops of beds and furniture, window sills, ect.  I cleared the top surface of a couple sets of drawers that are supposed to be organized into various dress-up items, coloring books and art supplies.  I couldn't believe all the shtuff shoved up on top.  Even more giant coloring books, games, baskets, pom poms...ridiculous!  I ended up with a full bag of junk and a bag to donate.
DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
Today's task was to clear underneath the bed, tables and any other furniture that can hide clutter.  For this I cleaned out the pink hanging organizer that was far from organized.  Although nothing was removed and most was just put aside I was able to start to organize it.  Fairy wings on top, pom pom sets under that and hats on the third shelf.  That left three empty spots for other dress-up items too big to be put into the drawers!  Doesn't my little one look tired in the first picture pre-nap and much happier afterwards?  I love nap time!
DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
Holy cow this was the biggest task of the week (or day for me!).  Clearing out all the furniture and only putting back what you want to keep.  As terrible as the drawers looked to me before I started to remove everything I was SHOCKED that nothing left!  The only thing I got rid of was a few coloring books that were almost fully colored and a bunch of loose coloring pages all shoved into one drawer.  I had to maneuver my hand in order to even open the darn thing is was so crammed full!  The rest was simply organizing the drawers and I was left with two empty drawers!  From top to bottom, left to right there is now a drawer for Princess purses, crowns, shoes, stickers/books, regular purses, wands, coloring books and finally crayons, pencils and pens.  Instead of just leaving all the coloring tools loose in the bottom drawer I did up-cycled my formula cans to help keep this drawer organized!
DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday

DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
Today's task: De-junk the closet.  I chose to de-junk all the dress-up clothes!  I went through and tossed the dresses that were pretty torn up.  Some might think that still keeping this many dresses is crazy.  But with four girls ages 4 months to 7 years I can honestly say that rarely a day goes by that one of them isn't running around as Cinderella, a ballerina, or both.  And why keep three Tinkerbell dresses?  For some reason if one of them decides to be Tinkerbell, the other two follow suit!  In other words any 'toy' that gets this much use, sparks imagination and that all my little princesses can play with together,
is worth keeping in my book!
DeClutter Confessions Week 4 ~ Guest or Craft Room ~ SuperMom Monday
Wrapping everything up means donating all your donations and relocating all the items needing to be returned to their rightful place.  If you've been following along every week this might mean all 4 Week's worth of donations and re-locations   Me personally I have taken my donations in every week when I go grocery shopping.  And relocated the items daily or I'd have piles piled everywhere!  So I thought I would just show you a simple shot of our Art's & Craft's Closet before and after the de-cluttering process.  Even if all you can do is one area, one small closet, you'll be amazed at how great you feel afterwards knowing all that clutter is gone!

Oh yeah, and I warned my girls that I would be doing random checks on their now organized closet and if I find things on the floor or quickly shoved somewhere instead of put away where it belongs it is MINE!  And they have to earn it back from the 'toy jail' I put it in which is a tub labeled with this awesome sign.  Learn all about it here!
Chores with out the fight! day2day SuperMom
Free Printable from Just Another Day in Paradise
Meet me back here next Monday for the new challenge, Laundry Room!

See the DeCluttered Rooms you missed!


  1. Looks great! I am in the process of organizing my daughter's room and we have a ton of dress up clothes. (And we only have 1 girl!). But, since she wears them almost daily, I think they are well worth keeping.

  2. I agree. They were their dress up EVERYDAY so it's a must-keep item. Good luck, you can do it! =)

  3. Hi Marcy, New to your blog! I moved back in January and one of the benefits of moving is purging the house as you pack. Now that we are all settled in I am purging yet again for the last week and let me tell you it feels so liberating. I feel so organized and know where everything is. Decorating for Christmas this year is going to be a breeze because we even organized the attic so now it looks like a store and I can just browse the isles!!
    You keep it up girl!! Tough with little one's because there is always so much as they grow. It's worth it :-)

  4. I love that your sharing these!! What a great and inspiring idea!! THanks for sharing on DIY Sunday Showcase!!

  5. Wow! Looks great! That's a lot of work - I'm tired just looking at it! lol

  6. Thank you for stopping by ~ you all encourage me to keep going =)


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