Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Food Storage Solutions ~ PreppDay Wednesday

Food Storage Solutions ~ PreppDay Wednesday
The best thing about Food Storage is the sense of peace that it gives you knowing that you are prepared for emergencies.  Be it a loss of job, natural disaster or the zombie apocalypse the "What will we eat?!!" solution is covered.  The worst thing?  Where the heck to store your storage. 

I have a super simple solution for you.  And it solves several problems at once.  Big bonus for SuperMoms everywhere.  Store your food under the bed!  Especially in the kids' room.  No more endless fights about cleaning all the lost items out from under their beds!  
Food Storage Solutions ~ PreppDay Wednesday
Most people would be horrified to lift up the mattress of in their 9 year old boys room and see what lurks beneath.  Me?  Well I've been confessing all my clutter problems lately thanks to a challenge that I've accepted to DeClutter My Home  so I've been horrified for weeks showing all my before and after pictures to the world! 
De-Clutter Challenge Week 2 ~ Girls Bedroom
This week we had a daily task to clean under the kids bed.  Totally had that day off thanks to my food storage taking up all the space!  You could even go a step further and organize your food storage and emergency supplies under different beds.  #10 cans under one bed, beans and rice under another, medical and sanitary items in the guest room or even water under your bed (that's where I keep mine!).  I never thought I could ever say this...
but now I am
Food Storage Solutions ~ PreppDay Wednesday
Separating out your storage like that would also help if you needed to leave quick and wanted to grab certain supplies.  Just recently we were evacuated from our home due to a wildfire and knowing what I had and where it was made what we were going through a little bit easier.
protecting your home before and during a wildfire
Now you might have some food storage and think why get so much that you have to store it under the bed?!?  You'd probably be surprised if you knew how much you should actually store.  It's shocking.  Whether you plan on storing enough for a family of 2 or 10, and for 3, 6 or even 12 months worth you should check out my most popular PreppDay Wednesday post.  You will find a list of how much to store per person as well as a food calculator that will tell you how much total for your sized family!
Emergency Preparedness & Food Storage: What do I need? ~ PreppDay Wednesday
I know we've been talking food storage here but included in that there are lots of other emergency supplies to store for even the simplest of disasters, like a power outage.  And with little kiddo's when the power goes out it's a really big deal.  Here are 10 Prepper Mom Must-Haves that you can have ready to keep your family comfortable.  Store them under those beds too.  Remember, no more lost shoes!  Happy Prepping!
Survival items even Mom can prepare
What's the worse thing you've discovered under your kids bed?  Any storage solutions you might have I'd love to hear it  =)  


  1. These are great tips that we can all use. Thanks for linking up to Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  2. I like your thinking! You are right: this way there is no way the kids can hide their toys under the bed.. heeheehee !!
    hugs x, Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  3. I'm so glad you all enjoyed this post! Thank you =)

  4. Do you cycle the food under the bed or just pitch it when you do your cleaning and find it outdated? Seriously, stuff in my pantry can expire because I don't keep up on it, let alone stashing it under beds. I couldn't keep up with it.

  5. Great question Beth! I store our 30+ shelf-life food under the beds so no need for rotation. You are right, it would be a PAIN to store everyday pantry items under there =)

  6. Stopping by to let you know you were featured at the TGIF Link Party this week! Hope you'll stop by again and grab a button!

  7. Thank you so much Rebecca! I just linked my new post's up and added your buttons =) Happy day!!


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