Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday

Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday ~ day2day SuperMom
I have been planning on meal planning for quite some time now.  It's on my bucket list of things I want to accomplish this year on my journey to SuperMomdom.  I've tried it a couple times here and there and I was amazed at the money I saved while shopping.  
Not to mention my sanity in trying to come up with something for dinner with a hodge-podge of ingredients.  
diy dry erasable weekly calendar and menu board
Weekly Calendar
In my very first post back in March I showcased my dry-erasable Weekly Calendar made from picture frames and talked about meal planning then!  I even showed the Pin which inspired me and incorporated it into my Calendar.  I still haven't finished it.  But I do have a designated place to write my menu so I'm halfway there.
Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday ~ day2day SuperMom
Menu Board 
So why the go on meal planning again?  Well I have to give all the credit to Mary Organizes and her 91 Day DeClutter Challenge that I accepted.  In Week 1 I cleaned out my Pantry which really got me excited to once again always know what's for dinner and have all my ingredients on hand!  And not just on hand but organized.  I thought why not keep each meals dry ingredients together for an easier prep and faster cook?  
Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday ~ day2day SuperMom
  I simply used 7 plastic buckets, cotton rope and made up a quick batch of diy Chalkboard Labels.  Remember to season new labels by rubbing on chalk, then erase and they are ready to go!  I would really like to find some pretty baskets to use but I had the buckets on hand so they will work for now.  Learn how to make your own labels here:
diy Chalk Board Labels
DIY Label Tutorial
I wrote a letter to it's corresponding day on each label then tied it onto the bucket.  They happened to fit just perfect across the back counter in my pantry.
Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday ~ day2day SuperMom
The next day was shopping day and it was a little weird feeling excited about filling up my dinner buckets when I got home.  As I put away the groceries I added what would be used to prepare that nights dinner into each bucket.  Besides anything that needed to be refrigerated of course.  
Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday ~ day2day SuperMom
This also helped to free up space on the shelves and keep them organized too.  Now I can use my Weekly Calendar (which happens to be hung right outside the Pantry door) and write what we are having for dinner on the yellow menu frame.  Even less thinking.  I like it.  There are even some great printables for Meal Planning to help with grocery shopping too!  You can find several great ones on my Free Printables Pinterest Board.
dry erasable weekly calendar with menu board made from picture frames
  Now I just need to stick to it for just a little while and it will become a habit.  A habit that will save me time, energy and money.  I love it.  Oh, by the way, we're having spaghetti on Wednesday  =)  Happy Meal Planning!
Meal Planning Tips ~ Taco Tuesday ~ day2day SuperMom
Do you want to DeClutter your home?  You can follow along with me & view my (gasp) before & after pictures, and join in too if you'd like!
De-Clutter Challenge week 1 ~ Kitchen, Pantry & Dinning Room
Do you meal plan?  Have you found you save money and time?  Any tips to share?  Please leave a comment below  =)


  1. I love this idea! My pantry is pretty small so I don't know if it would work for me but it is genius and a great time saver.

  2. what a brilliant idea could even lable tubs with days of week

  3. Thanks Alma! And yes Tracy, I did label my tubs with the chalkboard labels =)

  4. You have a COUNTER in your pantry?!? Seriously experiencing pantry envy over here!!! I love the idea of having things all separated and ready to go! Visiting from DIY Sunday Showcase!

  5. hahahahaha! No envy!! The counter sure does come in handy tho! Thanks for stopping by Toodie & Nicole =)

  6. I love the bucket idea to have all the ingredients all ready to go. This is perfect!

  7. This is very cute, just wish I had room in my house to do it.

  8. Hi Marcy! I've come across your blog from The Best Blog Recipes Weekend Retreat link party and let me just say I absolutely love this organisation tip! My husband and I work long hours and sometimes I forget what meal I had planned for that day so this would help me so much. Pinning and will have to try this system!

  9. Found you on Simply Create, and had to come check out your meal planning tips. I can use all the help I can get in this area! Thanks for the great ideas. Pinning!

  10. I LOVE this idea, you are simplifying and prepping all in one, FABULOUS! xo Morgan

  11. Hmmm, seems like this would just clutter things up again. Clever idea though.

  12. Hi, Marcy. I blog-hopped over from A Bowl a full of Lemons. I love your pantry and your clever meal-planning idea. I live alone, but this tip would have come in handy back in the day!

  13. If I had the room for a Pantry this would be an awesome idea!
    Unfortunately my kitchen is very small and I only have one of those smaller free-standing pantries. Will have to look if I can incorporate even a few days at a time in bins in it.

  14. Thank you ALL for stopping by, and for the PIN!! Awesome =) Hope to see ya again soon


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