Monday, October 14, 2013

DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom ~ SuperMom Monday

DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
It's here.  The week I tackle my Master Bedroom.  That means decluttering my closet and bathroom too.  The Master Bedroom can become an easy target to dump stuff off and "take care of later" because we can just shut our doors and hide it from the rest of the house.  But not any more thanks to Mary Organizes and her 91 Day Challenge.  
My bedroom door is officially open.

De-Clutter your home in 91 days with this plan
Mary Organizes Week 6
This week's decluttering success has been the most rewarding week, hands down.  I remember someone telling me years ago that your bedroom should be the cleanest room in your home.  It should be a beautiful, inviting and relaxing space.  A room you want to go to and spend time with your hubbie. Not the room you stash all the stuff you don't want seen around the rest of your home.  So that's my new goal for my new Master Bedroom!
DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
Monday is closet day, tomorrow too.  Thank you Mary for splitting up the closet over two days!  Because of that I was able to actually take it a step further and get out my collection of post-baby clothes.  I hate buying clothes in a size I don't plan on staying in so I've always kept them for the next baby.  Since I'm now officially in my last post-baby-era I went through ALL my saved clothes.  Notice the three grey tubs I now have on my shelves?  They are categorized by size.  So when the clothes hanging are too big I can bag them up, donate them and pull down the next size tub of clothes.  Until I'm back down to my pre-twin size!  
DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
Completing yesterday's task made today's easier.  I rearranged and organized our clothes and pulled out anything that was too big for me or had too many holes for my hubbie which went into his 'work clothes' drawer.  Over these past two days I filled 4 big garbage bags to donate.  And only 1 bag was mine!  My hubbie finally let go of 12 pair of pants, 6 jackets and 10 pairs of shorts that he no longer wears.  
DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
Gutting out all the clutter in my bathroom was liberating.  But does anyone else run out of conditioner way before the shampoo is gone?  And why in the world do I insist on keeping the shampoo?  Especially when I almost always buy different shampoo & conditioner!  For whatever reason I am not keeping it any longer.  After pulling out 7 old bottles I've made a vow to myself:  Never again!  My hubbie's counter and drawers are on the left side of the picture, mine on the right.  Oh, and I've reclaimed my tub from the kiddo's.  5 bags of trash later I was done.  Plus I put together a bag of hygiene supplies I've been collecting and put it under my daughter bed (see why I store stuff under her bed, here).  And don't tell my hubbie but I totally scored $9.72 worth of change from his top bathroom drawer.
DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
Thursday's task is to declutter all the drawers.  This was a pretty easy day as most of our drawers are organized.  Except for my tank top/pj drawer and hubbies underwear/pj drawer in our dresser and the two at the end of our bed where we each keep our sweatshirts and work/work-out clothes.  I was able to remove 3 bags worth, one for trash and two to donate.
DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
 Today is the day for clearing away all surfaces.  For me this meant the top of our dresser, night stands and our bed.  With a set of twins still sleeping next to us I haven't made my bed in a long time.  But I loved making my bed today!  Remember my goal of wanting to come into a relaxing and inviting room?  Having my bed made does that for me.  I was able to toss a couple bags of trash and a bag to donate along with a pillow I used while prego's.  I moved my stash of diapers from the top of my nightstand to the outside pocket on the bassinet.  Diapers aren't very romantic after all.
DeClutter Confessions Week 6 ~ Master Bedroom
 Wrap it up means donate your donates and relocate anything you've set aside to be put back into it's place.  It also means the Master Bedroom is decluttered!  And now it makes me want to decorate.  This week was well worth all the work!  Plus I'm over half way through the Challenge.  I get a quick breath on Sunday and then I'm on to the next room, The Living Room.

See the DeCluttered Rooms you missed:


  1. Wow! What an awesome transformation. It looks so much calmer and beautiful without all that extra stuff. I bet you feel so good when you walk into your bedroom now. Great job, thanks for sharing.

  2. Looks like you've been extremely busy. Fall is the perfect time to go through the house and get it nice and clean and cozy.

  3. Hi Marcy, I need to get on this myself! You've motivated me. Wish we could tag team it! Fun way to tackle the job. Thanks for sharing at the party. Theresa @DearCreatives

  4. Wow, I am impressed! What a difference your efforts made! I definitely need to do this in my house as well, you have inspired my to set a goal to organize my hall closet this weekend!

    I would love for you to come over and link up at Wine'd Down Wednesday if you get a chance. We party every week from Tuesday evening to late Friday night! Hope to see you there!

  5. Thank you ladies so much for stopping by & your sweet comments ~ they keep me motivated =)

  6. Hi Marcy! I think I feel motivated just by seeing all the progress you've made. My goal in 2014 is to declutter and organize, finally, then finish decorating. I started backwards so my house is a big ol mess right now. Thanks so much for sharing this (and all the other rooms too), and for the motivation you've given me :)

  7. So proud of you! Is so crazy that the creative ones are a "bit" messy! And you know what... I don't judge but I do wish I could be as creative as you! Gave me motivation to do the same this year! Maybe even the before and afters! Or maybe not! I am. Not. That. Brave! Kathy you are awesome!


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