Monday, November 25, 2013

DeClutter Confessions Week 12 ~ Other Bathrooms ~ SuperMom Monday

DeClutter Confessions Week 12 ~ Other Bathrooms ~ SuperMom Monday
Often times what we might designate as the Kids Bathroom can moonlight as a Guest Bathroom as well.  This can be scary for Mom's and Guests alike.  Enter DeClutter Week 12.  This week we tackle any other bathrooms in the house.  Which means the 37 guests you're having over for Thanksgiving Dinner will be very thankful for this Challenge!

De-Clutter your home in 91 days with this plan
Mary Organizes Week 12
Now those of you who have a big hill to climb this week...don't kill me!  Honestly, I had nothing to do in my kids/guest bath.  It's because this bathroom is used by anyone that might happen to stop by so I keep a tight reign on it's cleanliness.  When the oldest 3 kiddo's roll for their chores each week one of them lands on 'bathroom' and is assigned to clean and wipe down the bathroom every night.
DeClutter Confessions Week 12 ~ Other Bathrooms ~ SuperMom Monday
The cabinets on the left hold the toothbrushes and a box of hair stuff for the girls.  The ones on the right contain the t.p. and Clorox Disinfectant Wipes.  The Linen Closet has a couple shelves where their towels are stored and 2 baskets that sit underneath.  One for the girls dirty clothes and one for the boys.

Other Bathroom Daily Tasks:

De-junk Drawers

De-junk Bottom Cabinets

De-junk Upper Cabinets 

De-junk Counter Top

De-junk anything else. Showers, bathtubs, shelves & storage

Donate your donations & Relocate your relocates

Now I do go and perform my own version of clean on this bathroom once a week, and peek in after the kiddo's have cleaned up.  This assures that our 'Other Bathroom' is guest ready at the drop of a hat.  On occasion if a surprise guest aka Visiting Teacher happens to pop in I'll excuse myself to use the restroom and give it a quick wipe down
while I'm in there just to be safe  =)

Just one week to go!  Next week we move out of the rooms in our home and Declutter the Garage.  Stay tuned this DIY Friday and I'll show you how I created some 3 Popular Pinterest Projects that I decorated our bathroom with!
3 Popular Pinterest Projects: My Bathroom Decor
 In case you are wondering how on Earth I get my 11, 9 & 7 year old to clean their bathroom without a fight, check out this post:
Chores With Out A Fight!  Chalk Paint Block ~ Roll for a reward or chore!
Chores with out the Fight
See the DeCluttered rooms you missed:
Kitchen ~ Girls Bedroom Boys Bedroom ~ Craft Room ~ Laundry Room ~ Master Suite ~ Living Room ~ Office Area ~ Closets Landing Areas ~ Playroom ~ Garage


  1. Oh wow, could you come and declutter my laundry room and decor overstock storage area. I need help. haha. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  2. Decluttering my house is always a challenge. Thanks for the tips you shared at the Pinworthy Projects Party!

  3. This looks like a great way to de clutter without going crazy! Thanks for sharing this with my readers at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop!

  4. Thank you all for stopping by & your sweet motivational words! =)

  5. Great ideas! I love this and am pinning for the new year!

  6. Thanks so much for the Pin Chrissy...let me know how it goes next year! =)


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