Monday, November 4, 2013

DeClutter Confessions Week 9 ~ Closets ~ SuperMom Monday

DeClutter Confessions Week 9 ~ Closets ~ SuperMom Monday
Ahhhhhh....Week 9!  All the major rooms of my home have been DeCluttered and it feels wonderful.  Plus all your awesome comments and support have motivated me beyond belief.  It's nice knowing I'm not the only one battling the Clutter Bug and that my sometimes very embarrassing confessions have motivated ya'll to declutter keeps me going strong!  But thanks to Mary and her life-changing 91 Day Challenge I'm almost clutter free.  We move on to closets where lots of us keep our cluttery-confessions behind closed doors.

De-Clutter your home in 91 days with this plan
Mary Organizes Week 9
  I only have one closet left to be cleaned out, decluttered and organized.  That closet in the Linen Closet.  My guest/coat closet is used as the kiddo's Craft space which I took care of in Week 4.  All bedroom closets got their make-overs during their respective bedroom weeks.  So last but not least I bring you my Linen Closet and all that was shoved inside!
DeClutter Confessions Week 9 ~ Closets ~ SuperMom Monday
The task of day 1 is to take everything out and purge anything you see right away that is no longer needed.  My Linen Closet is essentially 3 deep cabinets stacked on top of one another.  They each have a smaller upper shelf about half the depth which comes in handy for smaller items.  It sits conveniently at the end of the hall and in between all the bedrooms as well as the shared guest bathroom.  All this really means is that the Linen Closet has become a great place to shove stuff to get it out of sight as you can see from the open-door picture on the right!  The bottom shelf isn't too bad (probably just because it's harder to get too!).  It also means if I left everything out it all would be trampled on, so I accomplished all the tasks in one day.  Not exactly recommended but necessary for my particular situation!
DeClutter Confessions Week 9 ~ Closets ~ SuperMom Monday
 Tuesday's task is to sort your closet items into categories and types and purge purge away.  As I took everything out of the closet I sorted them as I went.  Blankets and sheets, for big kids or twin babies, ect.  I sorted them by rows as well, donate and keep, that way the purging step was easy.  I ended up with 2 bags stuffed full of linens plus a half a bag full and a completely new Disney bedding set.  I've kept it for 3 years depressed that somehow it's match was lost out of storage while my home was completed (I think it rolled out and I didn't notice?!?)  I have the perfect little cutie in mind to give it to!
DeClutter Confessions Week 9 ~ Closets ~ SuperMom Monday
 Today is the day to put everything back into the closet.  My initial goal was to leave the top cabinet free so I would finally have an organized place for my seasonal decorating items as well as craft projects in various stages of completion.  I'm so excited that I purged enough to accomplish my goal.  And believe me, I did not get rid of stuff just to have an empty space.  As you can see I still have PLENTY of blankets to cover my 7 kiddo's multiple times over.  It's OK to admit we have way to much stuff, and I had way to much linens!  The middle cabinet is dedicated to the twins blankets, sheets, burp'ers and sheets for photo shoots.  The bottom cabinet hold all the bigger kiddo's extra bedding.
DeClutter Confessions Week 9 ~ Closets ~ SuperMom Monday
Your tasks for the rest of the week is to repeat, repeat, repeat!  More closets?  Repeat the first 3 daily tasks.  That means you can completely declutter two closets in one week.  Not bad.  Don't forget to donate any donation worthy items that you purge and to relocate any items you found lost in the closet that really belong in a different space.

If you only have one closet to declutter like I did you still have half a week to do something fun!  How 'bout showing some state and country pride by making a wooden DIY State Love Plaque.  No Silhouette needed either!  This project placed me into the Top 15 in One Artsy Mama's One Crafty Contest!
DIY State Love Plaque ~ DIY Friday
State Love Plaque Tutorial
Next week's declutter assignment just might be us SuperMom's biggest nemesis...the Landing Areas.  Those places we dump all the shtuff we need handy or need to put away but none of which needs to be piled where it is.  We'll get through it together!

See the DeCluttered rooms you missed:


  1. This is impressive, Marcy! I love to declutter and it's amazing how fast all of our stuff adds up -- especially when we have children. Thanks for sharing!

    Stopping by from the Pinworthy Projects link party...

  2. I just stumbled onto your blog! I am definitely going to check out your other weekly challenges and the 91 day challenge!

  3. Aaaaahhh! I love when I declutter... your process is great! AND - I LOVE that piece of art... I need to get myself in gear and start going through the closets! YIKES! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  4. Oh wow, this looks fabulous. I sure need to do mine. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty


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