Friday, November 22, 2013

No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday

No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
I finally did it.  I organized and DeCluttered my Playroom.  5 kitchen bags full of toys.  Gone.  Donated.  BAM.  I feel good.  I also got rid of the modge-podge collection of baskets and bins these toys used to reside in.  So what's a SuperMom with a plethora of diaper boxes but no sewing machine to do?  Let me show ya....

Now when I say a plethora of diaper boxes I mean it.  See these three jumbo boxes containing 96 diapers each?  With twins this hopefully lasts me a month.  In other words getting my hands on sturdy cardboard boxes isn't a issue.  So here was my original plan, also known as Plan A. 
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
    I picked up a product I hadn't used before and is now one of my fav's.  Spray Adhesive.  This one is Elmer's Craft Bond but I've seen several others.  I also had some scrap drop cloth material and a glue gun as a back up in case my high hopes for the 
spray adhesive failed me.

First step is to cut the flaps off your box.  Don't toss them...
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
Cut them to fit in the opening at the bottom of your box just to add a little more support.  Since I had my trusty glue gun on stand-by I went ahead and glued them in.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
So here is where my original plan failed me, or I failed my original plan.  The fabric I had wasn't enough!  Yikes!  And I had to get this done for my 'After' pictures for my Playroom DeClutter Confessions.  Breathe...  Ok, I figured it out (or so I thought).  I grabbed my bag of more scrap material I picked up free at a garage sale.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
I found three pieces of sheer material in three different shades of pastel.  This. Would. Work.  Except the bright purple Luvs box would surely show through.  No fear.  I always have a can or two of spray paint somewhere.

So outside I went boxes in tow moving forward with Plan B
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
Now three full coats of paint later I was beginning to hate Plan B.  In the middle of my second coat I wondered why I didn't just tape paper over my boxes like this project that inspired me in the first place.  Plus I started to picture once again having a modge-podge of toy boxes.  Then it dawned on me...I also have a plethora of 
table runners I saved from my wedding!
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
DING DING DING Plan are the WINNER!  Thank goodness 'cause nap time was nearly over.  I had 2 runners in my linen closet (plus 4 hanging as curtains and 1 I use as an actual table runner).  I also grabbed a black pillow case that came in a sheet set I use for my twin photo shoots.

So outside I went with boxes in tow moving forward with Plan C.

Oh, and this time I had the spray adhesive with me too.  There are directions for a permanent or a temporary bond.  Add your fabric quickly for a permanent bond or wait about 3 minutes for a temporary one.  I liked the idea that I could remove my wedding runners and that the adhesive would be a little more forgiving.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
The adhesive is really easy to work with!  The key is to use your hands to smooth the fabric on the outside the best you can.  The next steps help with any troubling wrinkles.

Flip your box upside down and spray more adhesive on the bottom.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
 Flip your box over again to adhere fabric to the inside of the box.  
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
Now you can stop here.  I mean the box is going to be filled with something, right?  In my case toys so only my kiddo's will see it anyway.  Or you can finish it with the cut piece of your runner or another piece of fabric.  Nap time was still in full force so I cut my black pillow case at the seams and then in two pieces to use for the bottom of the boxes.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
 The bottom of your box should still be tacky.  If not spray a little more adhesive.  I roughly folded my fabric to the size of the bottom of the box.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
For a thrid box I did the same thing but used the other pillow case as the cover and trimmed the box using a piece of the cut-off runner.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
All said and done (after I finally settled on Plan C) this project was super simple and quick.  And not needing a sewing machine was all the more awesome.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
Here are the three boxes on my new shelf in my newly organized playroom.  
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
Did you notice the table runner turned curtain hanging next to the shelf?  Anything I can do to not sew is a winner for me.  Geesh, that might of been my longest tutorial yet!  I guess it did take me three tries to finally get here but hey, it was worth it.
So glad I went with Plan C.
No-Sew Covered Boxes ~ DIY Friday ~ Diaper Boxes covered with Table Runners!
  From the tables at my wedding to covering diaper boxes for the kiddo's toys, these table runners have done it all.  Do you have any decor from your wedding you re-purposed?  =)


  1. FYI, these hold up well!! I did this about a year ago for toy storage in my sons room. I bought one of the wire cube organizers, but I didn't want to spend another $60 on fabric bins or baskets that could potentially be trashed!! I got the 12x12x12 moving boxes from Walmart and hot glued Toy Story Fabric to them. I used plastic name tag holders and printed pictures of what belongs in each box on the front. So easy and CHEAP!! Yours are very pretty, I might make some for myself now :)

  2. Such a great idea! storage boxes can be so expensive. If you get a chance, please link up to my link party:

  3. These look great! Awesome use of all those old diaper boxes ;)

  4. This is such a great way to reuse those diaper boxes! I have tons of them and they'd make great storage options. Thanks so much for sharing this at Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop! I hope to see you back on Sunday night!

  5. Great idea! Love recycling items and making them into something beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing at our Mommy Club Resources and Solution Linky party last week! Hope to see you back!

  6. So glad you wonderful ladies enjoyed these boxes =)


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