Friday, January 31, 2014

My January Wrap-Up!

With January ringing in the New Year it's also brought a few new changes 'round here!  One of which is a monthly wrap-up of my life and my posts.  So unless you're a Super-Subscriber (thank you!) you might have missed something pretty awesome (if I do say so myself!).  And those of you who venture beyond the 'Read More' for this post will see some fun personal stuff I did this month too ( the 'Read More' button below!)

This month my sweet little Twinkies turned 7 months old which sparked what turned out to be my most popular post this month.  By far.  It seems there are lot's of other SuperMoM's out there who are seriously trying to 
Surviving the First 6 Months with Twins: 6 Must-Have Baby Items ~ SuperMom Monday
Some might say I now have triplets after getting this cutie pie dropped on my lap as a gift from MY SuperMom!  I was having a really hard time after the loss of my sweet Walter.  In just 1 month he has already doubled his weight. Big Dogs. Are. Awesome.
I made the big kiddo's happy by revamping the sad no-longer-Christmas-Mantle into a bright and fun mantle for Valentines Day.  Along with that I shared a easy (& edible) Cupid's Arrow tutorial.  On the flip side of the mantle I created a Romantic version for my favorite Valentine (my SuperHubbie!).

I had fun creating a few pretty yummy things for myself too!

My biggest boy (the same little boy in the Cupid picture above) started the 6th grade this year along with Wrestling.  Yep, I'm now officially the loudest Wrestling Mom in the stands!  He's the cutie tough guy in the red.
I had a little fun with my Crab Feed 101 post packed full of everything you need to know about attending and throwing a Crab Feed, plus lots of great recipes.  I also blew a little steam with my 49er post!  Go Bronco's!

Last but not least I offered a few SuperMom Recommendations:

I tried my hand at my first 'Free Printable' when I made this 5 x 7.  It is a quote from the Stake President from my church regarding missionary work.  I shared it on our Relief Society Facebook page.
That's about it.  My month in a wrap.  Except for all the diaper changes, laundry, cub scouts and random craziness.  Oh and a couple of science projects but I'll be showing you those next month so stay tuned won't ya?!  =) 


  1. New Super Subscriber via the Strut Your Stuff Saturday at Six Sister's Stuff. You really are a day-to-day SUPERMOM! Adorable shot with all those little feet! You did a great job on your first printable!

    My last baby was a preemie (3 lbs .4 oz at birth - 2 months early). We had two elders come in when she was 3 days old to give her a blessing and she made such progress from that point on that they booted her out of NICU after 22 days for being 'too healthy'! And that baby turns 11 tomorrow!

  2. Thanks for being a Super Subscriber LuAnn!! And you sweet baby ~ what a wonderful story, thank you so much for sharing it with me =)

  3. Congrats on your twins. My twins are now 4 years old. It goes by so fast thank goodness I took tonssss of pictures of them.

    I'm your newest follower from the blog hop. Have a wonderful evening.


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