Friday, February 28, 2014

My February Wrap-Up!

My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom
Is it just me or did February fly by?  January seemed crazy long & now I'm like what?!?  It's MARCH!  I know it's a few days short but still...where did the month go!  Any-who thanks for stopping by for another monthly post wrap-up (you did see January's right?).  It's a great way for ya'll who are not Super Subscribers yet to get caught up on anything you missed for the month.  Plus I post some fun personal pics of my monthly happenings that I don't blog about.  This doesn't count  =)

For instance we celebrated the Cub Scout's Birthday with the famous Blue & Gold Dinner!  Anyone else have a scout?  Our ward always has a Father Son Cake Decorating Contest & this year my boys went with a sparkling volcano hovering above a scout camp.  And I promise, I did not touch this cake.
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom

I managed to squeeze in a couple fun projects this month.  I had such a blast making my Thumbprint Family Tree that I've already decided it's a new yearly tradition and a special way to watch the kiddo's grow.  I was a little peeved when I realized my 11 year old has bigger hands then me tho so prepare yourself for that shocker SuperMom's.  The other project was on behalf of National Bird Feeding Month. 
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom

I know there are lots of places around the country that are in the middle of such massive winter storms that some say hell must be freezing over but here in the west, we're in a serious drought threat.
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom

I did a fun round up of St. Paddy's Day Breakfast ideas & made a copycat recipe for the best ever baked Artichoke & Spinach Dip that The Historic Wolf Creek Inn makes just on special occasions. Not anymore!  Bwahahahaha (insert evil laugh).
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom

I got personal this month too, more personal then I have all year.  I wrote about the reasons Why I Blog and started a new campaign I call #RealSuperMom.  Trying to dispel any persona that some may have that bloggers have perfect homes, perfect kids & perfect self-esteem.  We don't.  Look for more #RealSuperMom Struggles in the coming months!
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom
I even shared some Before Pics of me now so I'll have something to compare my weight loss to.  Yep.  Told ya I got personal  =)

My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom
You know what else happened this month?  My biggest girl turned 8!  So fun!  We had a big family party at a club where some of the party the kiddo's get to play in the gymnastics area.  She just loved jumping off the big trampoline into the foam pit.  Wouldn't you?
 My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom
The kiddo's get to pick their 'Birthday Dinner' every year & this year Coral picked tortellini, pineapple, fruit salad and bread rolls.  Of course I had to jazz it up with cool whip, sprinkles & a candle!  Learn about our fun tradition here:
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom
Happy Birthday Dinner
Speaking of birthdays I did bring you one SuperMom Recommendation this month.  Keep those Messy Memories happy with an awesome $2 off coupon to White Clouds laundry line!  My favorite Messy Memory?  First Birthday's! 
My February Wrap-Up!  This months posts on day2day SuperMom

One last thing, remember that picture at the top with my cub scout?  My SuperHubbie is his scout leader and he watched a scout video that interviewed John Wayne!  This was said in the interview & my hubbie just loved it and asked me to make a pic, so I did.  Hey, I'll score some points any chance I get!  Feel free to save it and share too!
John Wayne quote ~ picture made by
psssstttt.....Those of you that were hoping to see the science fair experiments this month I decided to wait and see how they did!  I just found out today and both kids got a medal so whoo hoo!  I promise I'll share them in March  =)

1 comment:

  1. I love your Thumbprint Tree! What an adorable idea! Looks like you had a great February. :-) Thanks for sharing at The Mommy Club Linky Party!


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