Saturday, February 22, 2014

#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday

#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday on day2day SuperMom
Last Saturday I posted the reason why I blog and introduced a new monthly series for us Real Super Moms.  We don't claim to be perfect and enjoy helping one another with our weaknesses.  So here is the first Real Super Mom struggle for ya sisters:  losing weight.  Losing the baby-weight.  Holiday-weight.  Stopped-smoking weight.  Depression-weight.  It's-been-there-my-whole-life weight.  Whatever kind it is it doesn't matter.
It's the fight to lose it that unites us.  

A couple weeks into December my hubbie & I treated ourselves to an amazing deal: A 7 day Caribbean Cruise for $50 bucks each.  50 BUCKS!!  Actually we upgraded to a balcony suite for only $80 a piece.  Crazy right?!!  Wait just a hot second...
Caribbean = ocean which = bathing suit.  $%#!
#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday on day2day SuperMom
I immediately set a goal to lose the rest of my twin-baby-weight by March 1st.  I did awesome during the holidays and have since lost 15 out of my (very unrealistic) 40 pound goal.  I should be happy, but I'm not.  I'm pissed and sad and feel out of control with my own body.  Not a good mix for me.

Why do we do this to ourselves?!?  40 lbs in 2 1/2 months would mean I would have to lose 4 lbs a week!  I didn't care.  I wanted my body back.
#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday on day2day SuperMom
Me just a few months before getting prego with twins
So instead of sticking to what was working I resorted to desperate measures which only resulted in me hitting a plateau and getting more frustrated.  Some of these measures I have been struggling with since I was a teenager.  Who has two thumbs and fights the urges of an eating disorder?  This girl.

I won't get into any of that right now, I think I'll save it for another post.

So last week I took a deep breath, took a few pictures of myself (eeeekkk!) and decided to focus on losing weight the healthy way so I'd lose it for good.  And what's my brilliant way to encourage and keep myself focused on my goal?  Posting said pictures with more to follow.  I mean if getting a gold star sticker at WW works as weight loss incentive then posting Real Super Mom pics for the whole stinkin' world to see outta be motivation times a bajillion.  That's my hope & prayer anyway!
Join our weight loss support group today of nearly 2,000 AMAZING members :)
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Let's start with the easiest ones.  Clothes that are too tight?  Loose = Losing.
#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday on day2day SuperMom
Sticking with the theme of too-tight clothes let me rock the work-out gear.
#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday on day2day SuperMom
LOVE how the crazy tight waistband highlights my non-baby baby-bulge.

Last but not least, a way too teeny-weeny blue polka-dot bikini.  A Real Super Mom of 7.  Lettin' it all hang out there so you can ignore the celeb's who drop the baby weight like it's hot.  Never mind the personal chef and trainer, nanny to take care of the kiddo's so they can workout 8 hours a day, not to mention $400 a pop anti-cheese thigh treatments.
Do you think I'm stalling?  =)
#RealSuperMom Struggle: Losing Weight ~ Sisterhood Saturday on day2day SuperMom
Bam.  So if I could do this, you can take a couple pics and hide them away somewhere to pull out when you need some motivation times a bijillion.  You can keep checking back in with me as I post new pics and updates and strategies that have worked!  I'll be using the hash tag #RealSuperMom as a signal just like the Batman sign in the moon so you know when I need support.  And you can too!  Here's to loving my vaca, even if I don't love my body...yet!
Try All Natural Skinny Fiber Here!!  I am always posting great stuff so be sure to Follow or friend me Or you can Join my Free Weight Loss Support Group here >>>>>>
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Have an secret's that have worked for you?  Please share with us all  =)


  1. Okay, I'm pulling for you! And you are so much braver than I to put pics up on the blog too!

    :) Linda

  2. You can do it! I'm I. Awe of your for putting up pictures - something I haven't done even though I typically post about weight loss - it's a hard thing to do. You will love having these when you're at goal - I wish I had taken more along the way. If you need any extra tips, encouragement, recipes, motivation, etc, you should stop by our {Healthy} Tips and Tricks Tuesday link party!. We would also love for you to link up this post if you'd like, and any other healthy living posts! I'm not sure if commenting with my google acct will lead you to my old blogspot address, but I've moved to exploringdomesticity(dot)com. Love for you to stop by!

  3. Best wishes as you move forward in your weight loss journey. I really struggle to lose weight now that I'm in my 50s, but what's the alternative? I have no trouble gaining weight, that's for sure...

  4. Thank you ladies so much for the encouragement! I stopped by Kristin and linked up, thanks so much for the invite! I know what you mean Lydia, I just look at chocolate & I gain 5 pounds! =)

  5. Glad I found you on SITS getting real thread!

    I love your blog already because you are SO REAL. Glad to follow you!

    You are a super mom!


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