Monday, April 7, 2014

TALES from the ICKYSIDE ~ SuperMom Monday

This is a 100% TRUE STORY & sponsored post written by me on behalf of Clorox.
Ok SuperMom's, it's time to get real.  I have a story to tell you.  A true tale that is right out of Tales from the Darkside (does that age me?).  A very scary moment that was downright icky with a little bit of hilariousness thrown into the mix.  You ready?
Que the music and the scary black trees.... 

Let me set the scene for you.
Scene 1:  Kitchen

The previous night my husband and I discovered The Walking Dead on Netflix and literally had a Season 1 marathon and watched all 6 episodes.  The next day I was standing in my kitchen with my laptop on the counter Goggle'n "The Walking Dead Season 2" while I was cooking dinner.  Needless to say I had Zombies on my mind.

Switching Scenes.
Scene 2:  Mountain Trail
At the very same moment my oldest son apparently thought he was the indestructible  SuperMan and decided to ride his bike down a very steep and rocky trail.  His younger brother was cheering him on as his started down the hill but things were about to go very, very wrong...

(que scary music) DUH DUH DUHHHHHHHH

...Suddenly my son became nothing but a tumbling ball of body and bike parts.  Rocks, dirt, blood and tears all mixed into one.  Then the wailing and gnashing of teeth began.

Final Scene: Kitchen
During my Google search I find a horrific news story on some crazy guy who ate some kinda 'bath salts' and was literally biting/eating a man in the streets whom he had torn the clothes off of.  I was disgusted yet could not help but hit play on the YouTube video and watch this real-life zombie apocalypse happen before my very eyes.  

(que death screams as kitchen door slams open)

I look up from my laptop and see my son screaming with blood covering one side of his entire face with a stick is in his hair.  As he comes around the island I see blood running down both arms, his belly sticking out of the massive hole in his shirt, dirt and leaves are covering his pants plus he only has one shoe on

My first thought, Dylan became a zombie.
photo enhanced with Hollywood special effects  =)
(enter panicked St. Bernard & younger brother into the kitchen)

Now I'm trying to calm two crying boys, one who is dripping blood everywhere
while the giant dog is both barking and licking up the tasty red drops
AND the water is boiling over on the stove.

Then I kick it into SuperMom mode!
I tend to my poor zombie's wounds, decipher the story being told by two crying boys at the same time, top the boiling pot, kick the blood-licking dog out, all while cleaning my kitchen to keep my half-cooked-dinner from being contaminated.  
Seriously, I was doing all this with Clorox Disinfecting Wipes placed under my feet, cleaning up the dirty, slobbery blood dribbles.  One icky wipe at a time.

End Scene.

I got through it...that day of death.  So gross.  So sad.  So hillarious.
Enter the most awesome SuperMom Award that I believe I earned that day.

The Clorox Ick Awards is a virtual awards show that will feature real-time comedy inspired by real-life #ickies moments.  Like my Tales from the Ickyside!  Tune in this Twitter Event Wednesday, April 9th from 6-10 pm (e.t.) and vote for your favorite #ickies & maybe even win a piece of the $2,500 in prizes!  You can nominate your own moment by using the hashtag #ickies and be entered to win!

Or you can just vote for my #ickies moment because, well, it was pretty darn ICKY!
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Clorox
Do you have an #ickies moment to share?  I'd love you to tweet it or share it below in the comments...especially if you can look back & laugh now  =)

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  1. So so so funny! Some days of motherhood are like a sitcom and this one could win an Emmy!

  2. So so so funny! Some days of motherhood are like a sitcom and this one could win an Emmy!


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