Thursday, April 11, 2013

Setting up a Straw Bale Garden ~ GreenThumb Thursday ~ PART 2

Welcome back for Part 2 of my How To's with Straw Bale Gardening.  If you missed Part 1 regarding the Set-Up of your garden then you can read all about it here.  

Today I'd like to show you the progress of my garden.  I must admit I was still a little skeptical, very hopeful, but skeptical in just how good my veggie's would grow in bales of straw.  But alas, worried for nothing as I was very pleasantly surprised at how great everything did.  

And the positives of Straw Bale Gardening listed in Part 1 did turn out to be true.  Every one of them.  Hooray!  Ok, so proof is in the pictures so here we go...
Here is the garden about 1 month-ish after planting.

Roma Tomatoes ~
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Dwarf Corn ~
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Zucchini ~ 
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I even decided to make my own green bean tee-pee.  I know it's not technically Straw Bale Gardening but it fits the uniqueness of my garden, no? ~
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Here is the garden another month or so later (sorry, didn't keep good track!)

Super Sweet Cherry Tomatoes ~
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Corn & Zucchini ~
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Green Beans ~
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And last but not least here is some pictures of my first harvest! ~

Yummy, beautiful tomatoes ~
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Zucchini ~ 
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Green Beans ~ 
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I would have some pictures of my corn but we came home from church one day to find THIS neighbor visiting our garden who decided to climb up on my bales and eat EVERY LAST PIECE OF CORN.  What a pig! Needless to say, half of this guy is now living in my freezer....
So I hope those of you still on the fence of whether to Straw Bale Garden or not, I've leaned you into the yes side.  Some are blessed with glorious soil, but for those of us not so lucky...try it!  I leave you with another unique addition to my garden.  My sweet little 4 & 6 year old girlies built this princess scarecrow =)  She worked beautifully!
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If you've had successes or failures with Straw Bale Gardening, I'd love to hear about it!  Leave me a comment or send me your pictures here!


  1. Sounds like you are going to have some awesome produce from your garden this year!

  2. AWESOME!!! I love your tee-pee! I wish I had more room to set up things like that. I am working with the space I have.

  3. That is so cool.I want to try it this year. I'll have to look around for some straw bales.

  4. Thanks for sharing @ Seasons of a Homemaker. Please share with friends so we can enjoy a big party!!

  5. I recently learned about straw bale gardening. I find it to be a great idea!

    I will look into it next year!

    Thanks for sharing, found you at the Pin it Tuesday party. Just pinned!

    Cynthia at

  6. When I first started gardening, it was in straw bales. They are great for smallish spaces and for keeping down weeds. Thanks for sharing at Pin It Tuesday. :)

  7. Thanks so much for sharing this at the Say G'day Saturday linky party. I just shared this on Google+ and will be pinning it too!

    Hope to see you again this Saturday!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  8. I'm so happy to hear all you fabulous ladies have enjoyed this post! Thanks SO much for the Pins & Shares! I'll be visiting you all too =)


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