Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Blog Workshop ~ Online Blogging Conference

 Just about a month ago I was reading all my favorite Bloggers and their experiences at the recent SNAP Blogging Conference.  Something I would love to do when I grow up from just being a little baby blogger!  I have been given a unique opportunity ~ to attend an ONLINE Blog Workshop by watching the recordings from the 3-day Blog Workshop Conference!  And with my Twins due to make their appearance on the 12th of June, this fit's my busy schedule perfectly  =)
The number 1 perk for taking part in The Blog Workshop is it's entirely online.  The original workshop took place May 17th-19th, but being it is already an online workshop the clever folks who put this together also make the conference recordings available!

If you check out The Blog Workshop website you'll see they offer way more then just the 3-day Workshop (although this is the part I'm most excited to do!).  You can take part in LIVE monthly Workshops to facilitate learning and training such as Blogging Laws You SHOULD Know and Surviving S.E.O.  
They also have a Community set up great for participating in forums as well as networking, which we know is way super important!  If anyone is considering starting a blog, or improving their current blog should really look into TWB University which offers an Introductory Blogging Diploma through a 1 year program that consists of 4 semesters. Each semester is 3 months long and "allows you to gain hands on experience and teaches you the ins and outs of establishing a successful blogging enterprise."  
Yay!  I'm even more excited to start watching the recordings from the 3-day conference now!  After I finish participating in the conference I will let you all know what I think about the online aspect, the speakers and classes and what I have learned.  Mind you I'll have to watch it in part's in-between feedings and diaper changes, but isn't that what 'Mommy Blogging' is all about?  =)


  1. Hi Marcy! Thanks so much for linking up your posts again for WW! I didn't know you were having twins!
    Congrats, and now I'll be waiting for photos in the near future :))

  2. Thanks Paula ~ and yes, I'll be posting pics SOON!! =)

  3. I was there too was so crowded, I didn't "see" you there!

    It was an AMAZING conference! I am super excited to re-watch and then apply what I learned..part of my bucket list this summer while I am off from teaching!
    So exciting about the twins! I know you can't wait!! The last few weeks seem to go slower...

  4. Thanks Sharon! I am excited to watch and learn as much as I can =)


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