Saturday, June 15, 2013

Why I've Been MIA ~ Twins!

Why I've Been MIA ~ Twins!
My beautiful twins were born on June 6th at 37 weeks 2 days.  They were healthy and strong with Big Sister Hartlyn Renee weighing in at 7 lbs even and 18 1/2 inches long.  Little Brother Hunter Reagan clocked in at 6 lbs 11 oz and 18 inches long.  No time was needed in the NICU, which was a major answer to prayers!  But we did have to spend 9 days in the hospital until the babies started to gain weight.  We are home now and adjusting trying to adjust to life with 7 kiddo's ages 10 and under.  I anticipate being back in the Blogging Game in a week and I appreciate all the support and sweet comments I've received!  See you soon  =) 


  1. They are BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations!!! So glad all went well!!!

  2. Your babies are adorable! I'm glad they are doing so well :) Hunter is the name of one of our little boys too! My twins will be born next week! How is it having two babies at once? Hope you are having a great weekend :)

    Stephanie @ She Turned Her Dreams Into Plans

  3. They are precious! Congratulations Super Mom!!!
    I am so happy to hear that all went well and the babes are gaining weight!
    Rest...that is funny to recommend that huh? With are Super-Duper Mom!!
    Take Care!

  4. Congratulations! They are beautiful! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. You are a super mom and inspiration!
    I can't wait to read more!

  5. Yay ... twins!! I'm a mom of twin boys & although it seems like yesterday, the are 18 1/2 yrs old today {it's easy to remember their half bday cause it falls on the first day of summer}. I do not, however, have as many babies as you do! I only have 3 ...all, my hats of to you! What blessings indeed! Congrats!

  6. Thank you all for your sweet comments and words of encouragement! =) I am truly blessed!

  7. Congrats on your beautiful babies!! I am so glad they are so healthy what a blessing! Thanks for sharing this at Fidlin' Fridays!

  8. You really are a super Mom with 7 kids under the age of 10! Wow...I hope you have help...I know I would need it! Congrats on your beautiful little girl and boy.

  9. Thank you both! My older kids are a HUGE help and I am very fortunate to have a hubbie who works from home and is my BIGGEST help & supporter! <3

  10. They are absolutely precious -- what a huge blessing -- makes me teary eyed!!! Congratulations!!!

    XO, Aimee

  11. Thank you so very much Aimee =) I am indeed blessed!!

  12. Oh my goodness - they are so sweet! Congratulations! But with 7 kids under the age of 10 - holy cow you certainly have your hands full! Love them always, like them sometimes, but enjoy them while you can, they grow so fast. I know because mine are now 35, 32 and 22 years old! - Vickie

  13. Congratulations, Marcy!! They are so precious!! Such sweet little blessings! I've been waiting for a photo; so glad to hear that you and the babies are all doing well!

  14. Congratulations, they are so beautiful :)

  15. All you ladies are so sweet ~ thank you thank you!! =)

  16. Congrats on the birth of your twins! We have boy-girl twins and it's so fun watching them play together and grow together. :) I'm visiting from pin-it Tuesday link-up.

  17. Congratulations. I've been trying to help my sister with her 5 kids under 4 years old since her triplets were born 2 months ago. Any advice would be great. I don't think she is getting any sleep and I am worried.

  18. Congratulations! They are adorable! Those are big babies for twins! Great cooking mom!

  19. Thank you ladies!! =) You all make me just smile!! Jennifer, I don't know how much advice I can give as my Twins are only 3 weeks old. I get A LOT, I mean A LOT of help from my hubbie & even more older kiddo's or I don't know how I'd be able to do it. Triplets!??! Wow! I can't even imagine. I'm sure she is desperately lacking in sleep so any and all help you are giving her I'm sure is a huge blessing. I had many frozen dinners given to me from my ladies in my church which helped tremendously since my energy is LONG GONE by the evening! =)

  20. Frozen Dinners is a great idea. Thanks.

  21. Whoa. 7 kids under 10?! And twins? They are so cute and I'm sure it's all worth it, lol.

  22. Twins! Marcy, TWINS? Yipee! Congrats. They are so precious.
    How do you still find time to blog? If you need a guest post, let me know.

  23. Aww how sweet the babies look!! I want to have twins someday. :) Visiting you via the TGIF Link Party. Following you via Bloglovin.

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog
    Exercise Encouragement Group Blog

  24. Thank you ladies! Sinea ~ thanks for your generous offer...I just might take you up on that! =)

  25. Oh WOW you are one busy Mama!! Congrats on the new additions!! Love their names!


  26. Congratulations!!! How exciting for your family. :) They are precious!! XO

  27. So adorable!! Congratulations! And holy cow... you are super woman having 7 kids under the age of 10!

  28. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

  29. Oh my goodness! They are soooo precious! Congratulations, Marcy!

  30. So precious...what a blessing! Rest up best you can and we'll see ya when you get back! Blessings, D@TheShadyPorch

  31. Thank you so much ladies!! =)


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