Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Experience Attending The Blog Workshop ~ In my PJ's

My Experience Attending The Blog Workshop ~ In my PJ's
As a newbie-blogger I loved reading all my fav Bloggers experience at SNAP! a couple months ago.  Something I new I would love to do, one day.  I was jumbo-prego at the time and often thought if I'd be able to make it to a Conference like that even in the next couple years.  Leaving my hubbie, even the SuperHubbie that he is, at home with 7 kiddo's seems almost impossible. Till I meet The Blog Workshop that is...

I was given an amazing opportunity to watch a recording of The Blog Workshop which is an online 3-day Bloggers Conference.  Perfect for a busy MoM of newborn Twins like me!  Being able to stay at home while learning some great info sitting on my couch in my PJ's was pretty awesome I must say.  

The first thing that stood out to me was the great list of Speakers who were each given 10-15 minutes to speak on their particular topics and to represent their companies. 
My Experience Attending The Blog Workshop ~ In my PJ's
A few minor technical difficulties popped up but nothing that stopped or interfered with the information being given.  Da Vinci was right on top of it!  The topics ranged from "Back to Blogging Basics" which was great for newbies & long-time Bloggers and spoke about doing the simple things like de-cluttering your sidebar and planning your posts ahead of time. "Into to SEO" really broke down the quick and easy things to do to optimize you posts for relevancy. I do think Dan from who taught the SEO info was one of my favorite speakers.  His information was great, but he was a really fun speaker too.  He is a regular Workshop speaker.
I also really enjoyed the "Advertising Do's and Don'ts" as this is something I'm just getting into.  I didn't realize my About Me page is kinda like a Media Kit and something I need to work on!

A face-to-face Meet 'n Greet obviously doesn't happen with an online Conference.  Those meetings are something that I think are great ways to quickly make some long lasting relationships and something I would really enjoy doing at a 'live' conference.  But The Blog Workshop does have a great Community set up to help bloggers meet and form serious bonds.  They also offer varying Workshops on a regular basis.  Not only can you continue to learn and ask questions of the speaker, but get to know the other attendee's and keep those bonds strong.  
My Experience Attending The Blog Workshop ~ In my PJ's
Like I said earlier the Conference I watched was online and recorded.  Watching the recorded version as opposed to the live version I did miss out on just a couple things.  While the speakers are talking there is a text chat box at the bottom of the screen where the attendee's can talk to one another and also ask questions of the speakers.  Also a few giveaways aren't available to those not watching the live version.  But being that I could also PAUSE the conference and step away while I fed the babies or cooked dinner far outweighed the chat box for me personally!

One last thing that I was pretty impressed was the charity work that The Blog Workshop does.  When bloggers signup for the Lela affiliate store plugin on can earn money and $5 will be donated to to Wellspring Living and the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children.  Wellspring Living's mission is to confront the issue of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation through awareness, training, and treatment programs for women and girls.  Atlanta Day Shelter's mission is to ease the burden of homelessness for women and children and to assist in establishing self-sufficiency by providing comprehensive education and supportive services in a manner that respects human dignity.  Good job Blog Workshop for giving back  =)
My Experience Attending The Blog Workshop ~ In my PJ's
So to sum it all up, I really enjoyed the info I learned in this my first ever Blogger's Conference.  I do look forward to experiencing the traditional Conferences and shaking the hands of my blogger-idols.  One day.  I must save up some serious points and wait to cash them in so I can leave SuperDad with the troop.  One day!  

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