Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Learn to Small Batch Can ~ day2day Tips ~ PreppDay Wednesday

In the time that your garden is going full force, it's time to think about canning.  Or more specifically related to this post, canning in small batches.  

Last year I had my hand at small batch canning when I made my own salsa for the first time.  I loved that I could just make a few cans and only mess up my kitchen for an hour or two and not all day long.  Frankly I just don't have the time right now.  But I could sneak it in every couple of days and not waste my bounty of colorful tomatoes. 

This summer I really want to try making my own blackberry jam.  Living in Southern Oregon I have an ENDLESS supply.  As I was scouring all my fav Bloggers I came across Gabby's awesome DIY Tutorial of Canning Small Batch Jam.  The recipe is simple as can be with only 2 ingredients and no pectin or special canning supplies needed.  Perfect!  So this year while I'm waiting for my tomatoes to ripen, I'll try my hand at canning blackberries!  Thanks Gabby  =) 
Learn to Small Batch Can ~ day2day Tips ~ PreppDay Wednesday
Straw Bale Garden Tomatoes

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