Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Dedication to Walter & Dog Lovers Everywhere

A Dedication to Walter & Dog Lovers Everywhere
The day after Christmas I learned that my sweet Walter was covered in bone cancer.  I was shocked and scared and sick all at the same time.  He was an amazing St. Bernard who I rescued as an abandoned puppy I found at a vacant home for sale.  He was only 4 months old and on the verge of death.  Funny how dogs have a way of finding the person who needs them the most.  He rescued me as well, letting me bury my face in his and sob during my darkest time.  I did the same as he took his last breath and snored his last snore.  Below you'll a great collection that remind us that dogs are truly man's best friend.

So true...Beautiful
Best Friends -- I need to get this framed with a picture of my own dog.  : )
funny animal pictures with quotes | ... funny pictures 2011 jago dunya cute funny love quotes sayings
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives Pepper <3
Inspirational Quotes About Dogs | truly great friends - A Place to Love Dogs
I love this quote! Dogs are one of Gods greatest creations. Dogs ask no questions and pass no criticisms. They make the best friends & those who have never owned a dog are truly missing out on one of life's greatest gifts!
Words proven true by my sweet little man Fritz.
Friend for Life...#doglovers
dog's love
WOW they put one on you too!!!
Dog forever  #rescue #seespotrescued #dogs
Music to my ears!
Beautiful quote about dogs
Dog love
Dog love
dog's love
Dog's Love
Dog's love
A Dog's Love
The following are dedicated to my Walter,
who I will love forever.
A Dedication to Walter & Dog Lovers Everywhere

Miss You♡
Saint Bernard pillow
~Doris Day~ no truer words spoken!  Love my animals
... Saint Bernard, that is :)
Very good reasoning
Rusty I will never forget you my love. My beautiful , loving , gentle boy. My nurse during will alway be in my heart.
A Dedication to Walter & Dog Lovers Everywhere
Click HERE for a fun post I did about Walter's favorite brush  =)
Till we meet again my friend
I love you


  1. This is so heart-rending but lovely in a bittersweet way. I keep telling my husband that when our dogs and cats eventually pass on then I am done with the aggravation of hair and extra dirt, and the aweful pain of losing them! But I know it's just a momentary oversight. Animals in our lives are priceless and heaven-sent. Thanks for sharing the beautiful quotes and your story of Walter. It's very touching.

  2. Ferret ~ thank you so much for taking the time for your sweet words. That means a lot right now =)

  3. I am soooo very sorry for your loss. We just lost our baby on the 14th just 8 hrs after the vet said he would be fine. They are our family and no one can understand unless they too have loved a dog. Walter was beautiful and I know he is happy, pain free and waiting for you. As you know it does get easier with time. God Bless you and Walter. Xoxo

  4. I'm so sorry. This is one of the most painful things in life to feel. I posted next to you on a blog hop, so I thought I would come over to say hello. My heart breaks for you. I hope you able to recover quickly and find peace.

  5. I sit here with tears in my eyes. We lost our 11 yo lab in early Dec. losing a pet is so hard and one can never truly understand unless they are a pet lover. I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for the tribute to Walter. Know that he is waiting for you at the rainbow bridge.

  6. Tina, Michal & Mellie: Thank you so much for sharing your own stories and thoughful messages of hope & love that all of us animal lovers share =) So sorry to hear of your losses and I hope these wonderful quotes helped

  7. I'm so sorry that you lost your sweet, Walter. We lost our 5 year-old Boxer to cancer almost two years ago and I miss him everyday. They really do steal a piece of our heart, don't they? Walter was lucky to have you as his Mama! *hugs*

  8. Oh I am so sorry for your loss of your precious Walter. I have felt that pain, and I know the joy of my dog now....they are truly unconditional lovers.

  9. My heart is aching for you. I have two boys who are getting up there in age and I dread that horrible, fated day. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  10. Thank you ladies for taking the time to offer me words of love and support. Aren't dogs just the best things ever! =)

  11. Hi Marcy, Sorry for your loss. I know how painful it can be.I was cleaning & organizing my daughters room yesterday and she has our passed dogs collar in her dresser drawer. We lost our dog of 10 years, waited a year, healed a bit & last year decided it was time to give another dog a good home. Touching post. Animals can be such a big part of a family. xo Theresa @DearCreatives

  12. Marcy - Just reading your sweet post has me in tears tonight. I am so sorry that you lost Walter. In his pictures, he is so handsome and sweet. What a darling face and beautiful eyes. I hope you had many years of enjoyment with him and that you can reflect back on all of those happy times and the things he did that made him special to you.

    I recently lost my little terrier and it was a heart wrenching loss. You're right, I think the dogs choose us. Honey was a rescue after being caged for 4 years having puppies in a Missouri puppy mill. She turned out to be the sweetest little dog but so sick (congenital disease) from the horrific breeding practices that go on in puppy mills. A warning to your readers: Do not purchase puppies over the Internet! 99% of these breeders are puppy mills. Do your research! Visit the breeder. Ask a LOT of questions. Ask for references. Thanks for listening to me.

    And all my best to you Marcy during this difficult time. Take care, Jill in California

  13. I share your pain -- a year and a half ago, I found out that Boomer had cancer and had a week or so left. He died the next day. Eight months later, our other dog, Jesse the Chessie, a rescue, also died. I decided I wouldn't have another dog for a long time, but six short weeks later, Bella, a puppy mill momma twice by 15 months and now dumped, needed a home and is now sleeping on my couch. As one of your posters said, she will never replace Boomer and Jessie in my heart, but she is sharing her heart with us. My heart goes out to you and I share your tears. God Bless.

  14. I am so sorry about Walter. I am going to go hug my dog, Fritz and say a prayer for you and your pooch.

  15. How wonderful that Walter knew such love from you. Thank you for sharing all of the loving posts about those creatures we love.

  16. So sorry to hear of your loss. RIP Walter. Prayers, D@TheShadyPorch

  17. I'm so sorry that you lost Walter. I have three 4 legged children now and have been through the loss several times before, so my heart breaks for you. My daughter has a dog now that was born three days after her last one passed away. If we didn't know better this dog came back to her in a new body. She got it after it was adopted and returned twice. It was meant to be with her.


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