Friday, December 20, 2013

Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas

Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
It's Day 12 in my 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas series where I shared with you 12 ways in which I celebrate the Christmas season with my family through crafts, cooking and creating memories (see all here).  Reenacting the Nativity with my kiddo's and sweet nieces and nephews every year is a everlasting memory that I always look forward to.
In other words, I saved the best for last.
Imprisoned in my Bones: Santa's Prayer on Christmas Eve

Putting on a Nativity Play is not a new concept.  In fact it's a tradition among many families to do so.  To reinforce the true meaning of Christmas amidst the shopping, the decorations, the parties and Santa was extremely important to my parents and has trickled down to their 6 kiddo's as well.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
That's me (the only girl!) at age 8 with three of my brothers and two cousins.  LOVE the artwork in the background!  Here is the next generation of Shepherds, Kings, Angels and of course, Mary and Joseph.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
Every year my mom busts out her Box 'o Nativity Clothes.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
And every year we ramble through it putting together outfits for our little actors.  Most everything was purchased at Goodwill.  Scrubs work great and fit all different sizes.  Decorative scarves, window valances as head dresses, ropes and pieces of cloth as don't have to spend a lot of money for simple costumes.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
The top costume on the right works great for Joseph and the Shepherds.  The Kings' clothes are a little more fancy and Mary of course has a baby doll.  Although this year my sweet baby Hunter was honored to play the part of Jesus since he was
fast asleep anyway  =)
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
 Ignore the girlie swing...his twin sister was busy backstage jumping in her saucer.  Gather any stuffed animals that would be fitting for a stable as well!  Enter Joseph and Mary...always the prized parts.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
Two Angles and a little Shepherd wait 'backstage' in the playroom as Grandma reads the narrative.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
Please ignore the red-punch mustaches all over every child's face.  We ate our potluck dinner before the Nativity Play!  The Shepherds ranged in size this year.  The sweet 2 year old above as well as ages 5 and 11.  Oh, and we had a real-life sheep (who wasn't too happy) thanks to a Halloween costume!
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
The Three Kings were very excited to finally join the other kids when 
bringing baby Jesus their gifts.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
We sing different songs between scenes like Away in a Manger and Silent Night, off key and all.  This year my brother commented that it was like paparazzi were in the house with all the flashes, but all us proud SuperMom's kept clicking our cameras anyway!  At the end we have each child stand up in front of the audience and say their name and age which is wonderful to watch years later on video.  

Sure, we have lots of kids to fill all the major parts.  But even if you only have one child or just a few, having them act out a part of the Nativity while the birth story of our Savior is read aloud, resonates deep within everyone present.  That warm feeling that will wash over you, sticks.  You and your children will remember that peaceful feeling of love and joy.  It's a memory you will cherish now as a mother, later as a grandmother, and forever as a family.
Family Nativity Play ~ 12 SuperMom Days of Christmas
Merry Christmas!


  1. This is just precious!


    Sheila... Who loves the fact that this has been passed down!

  2. Thanks so much Sheila =) Have a very Merry Christmas


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