Tuesday, February 18, 2014

7 St. Patrick's Day Breakfasts for Lucky Kids ~ Taco Tuesday

Funny how kiddo's will make you run your life according to the next holiday.  St. Valentine OUT, St. Patrick IN.  Although many adults will argue Paddy's Day is a holiday for adults, for kids it's about wearing and eating all things green.  Here are 7 fantastic breakfast ideas for the lucky kiddo's in your life that get to call you SuperMom!

Lucky Charms Pancakes from the mother all of things yummy, Betty Crocker.
Lucky Charm Pancakes

There is only an empty plate at the end of these Rainbow Pancakes from I Am Baker.IMG_9192.cooler 

More of a waffle fan?  Try these Rainbow Waffles from Random Thoughts of a SuperMom.

Make up a few Cinnamon Shamrock's using Rhodes Cinnamon Rolls!
Cinnamon Shamrock

Let your kiddo's dive finger-first into a Fruit Rainbow complete with a yogurt cloud from The Iowa Farmer's Wife.

Or fry up a few eggs in pepper slices for delicious Shamrock Eggs.
Shamrock Eggs for St. Patrick's Day Facebook.com/ConfessionsOfaDomesticGoddess
photo source
You can always fall back on the tried 'n true SuperMom tradition of Lucky Charms & Green Milk.
St Patrick's day breakfast
photo source
Do you have any fun St. Paddy's day tricks or treats you like to do?  =)


  1. These are so cute! I think my lucky husband will get eggs in peppers. I'll forward this to my daughter-in-law. They are creative for these kinds of days. Perhaps my little grandchildren will be "lucky kids". Thanks! Visiting from Diana Rambles.

  2. I forgot to say we always used to have green milk to pour on our cereal. I always used a milk jug that wasn't see-through so the first one to pour always had a surprise!

  3. I forgot to say we always used to have green milk to pour on our cereal. I always used a milk jug that wasn't see-through so the first one to pour always had a surprise!

  4. Great ideas!!! My daughter would love the rainbow waffles! Would also love this post at Link it or lump it, fabulous round up http://www.sohosonnet.com/link-it-or-lump-it/link-it-or-lump-it-link-party-27/

  5. I love this round up. There are so many dessert ideas but not enough for breakfast. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. I used the Shamrock Eggs in my post today and added a link back to you. You might be interested in taking a look at my post. http://www.aroundthetable.flemings.in/2014/03/shamrock-eggs.html


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