Saturday, February 15, 2014

WHY I BLOG: Becoming a Real Super Mom ~ Sisterhood Saturday

Why I Blog: Becoming a Real Super Mom on day2day SuperMom
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Let's face it ladies.  The worldwide wonders of websites, blogs and Pinterest can both inspire and discourage us.  Am I wrong?  I've admired many a blogs and fawned over their beautiful homes and elaborate dinners, Pin'ing and trying out their posts and dreaming of starting my own blog... but how could I?  My home is a disaster most days and often times a last-minute-thrown-together "It's Yellow Night for dinner!" of mac & cheese, corn & peaches would land on the table for the kiddo's.
Let go of needing the perfect home and get to the living part. Yes. :: 'The Home I Love' Canvas Wall Art
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Then one day I saw a post from a blogger who showed what her home looked like on the other side of the camera, and not what was staged for the picture she was taking.  That gave me the courage to start my own blog (hopefully) giving inspiration to real mom's who strive on a day-2-day basis to move forward on their own path of SuperMom, regardless of what that path looks like to them.
Why I Blog: Becoming a Real Super Mom on day2day SuperMom
Last year I shared one of my biggest struggles of crap piled everywhere a messy home with my DeClutter Confessions of a not-so SuperMom Series.  Showing real before & after pictures was not easy.  It was embarrassing.  I received so many comments of encouragement which was great but what I loved the most was hearing how other SuperMom's struggled with the same thing.
Why I Blog: Becoming a Real Super Mom on day2day SuperMom
DeClutter Confessions Week 1 ~ Kitchen, Pantry & Dinning Room
Posting real pictures of my messy home gave them the drive to de-clutter their own!  Women truly supporting and encouraging one another.  A concept that I have yet to find outside of the magical www.

Building each other up.  That is why I blog.
Why I Blog: Becoming a Real Super Mom on day2day SuperMom
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At the end of last year I was putting together a Top 13 Readers Favorite Posts list and found it interesting what won out.  Find Your Perfect Cleaning Routine was #1.  A round-up of various free-printable cleaning schedules.  THAT is what Real Super Mom's want.  And although it didn't make the list, if I added up all 13 posts of my DeClutter Series it was a very close second.  More then double the amount of views of the #2 post on the list.  
Eye. Opening. Awesomeness. 

Without trying to confuse myself with numbers let me also tell you this.  I posted the Cleaning Routine list in April 2013 and in just under a year has had 21,053 views.  My Surviving the First 6 Months with Twins was posted January 6, 2014 and already surpassed the previous #2 post, being viewed 14,547 times.  In just 6 weeks.
'Surviving Twins' is what Real Super Mom's need.  Not 'Twins Are Full of Rainbows & Sparkles.'  Seeking help surviving motherhood is what Real Super Mom's want.

Mothers helping mothers.  That is why I blog.
if im doing it wrong, he is wonderful so i must be doing something right
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Next for Saturday I will start a new monthly behind-the-scenes series highlighting some of my personal struggles in hopes of inspiring other Real Super Moms just like my DeClutter Series did.  And selfishly I'm primarily posting to encourage ME to meet MY goals and conquer MY struggles, although I hope I'm not alone.  First up, losing weight.  Before pictures.  Yep.  

Did I just sit here staring at those words wanting to erase them so I wouldn't have to post pictures?  Yes I did.  For like 5 minutes. 

Women supporting women.  That is why I blog.
It is possible. Losing weight with Metabolic Research Center is easy thanks to the support of your team, then easy to follow menus, classes and more.
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Sharing my path and what being a SuperMom means to me is liberating.  Way to often the closed-minded voice of feminism shouts out that the lifestyle of motherhood (in particular stay at home mom's) is degrading and stifles the forward progress of the women's movement.  HA!  The movement that gave me the right to choose as long as I don't choose "just to be a mom."

Homemakers enjoying homemaking.  That is why I blog.
Homemaking is surely in reality the most important work in the world.  What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government, etc exist for except that people may be fed, warmed, and safe in their own homes? The homemaker's job is one for which all other's exist." ~ C.S. Lewis
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Next month will be my 1 year Blogiversary.  I have started to make a little bit of income which helps me to continue to "just be a mom" to a family of 9.  I have also started to pray for inspiration and guidance so I can make the most out of the time I spend on my blog.  Time spent both away from, and for my family.  I have found I am not the only blogger doing this.  Women who proudly and loudly proclaiming that Christ and their SuperHubbies and their kiddo's is truly what is important in this life.

THIS is why I blog.
Why I Blog: Becoming a Real Super Mom on day2day SuperMom
Want to learn more about me?  Check out my 'About Me' page HERE  =)


  1. I was reading your blog thinking, "Yep, sometimes you've got to just let the house go a little bit if you're going to enjoy life." Then, I got to the end...This is my first time at your blog...Holy Cow! Mom of 7! I think you have more than an excuse! lol

  2. Yay! Clap, clap, clap, loud cheering and thumbs up. Well said and keep on using the www for God's purposes. You and the family are permanently on my prayer list.

  3. Thank you so much Meghan & Shirley for your sweet words =)

  4. This is absolutely fantastic! Bravo!

  5. The amazing thing about blogging is that there is so much support out there. Stopping by from the comment challenge!

  6. This post is a gem. You know, sometimes we just need to share. We need to know that others are feeling what we feel. Sometimes, it is to encourage those who are in bad place right now that life will get better. When you announced "Yellow Night" for dinner, I cracked up! How cute is that. That's a memory in the making. Memories are top priority, not neatness. Come by Wednesday and share this with us, OK?
    Ducks ‘n a Row

  7. That C.S. Lewis quote may be the best thing I've ever read. Way to make moms feel super! I loved this post, as a blogger who feels the need to have a "niche" and doesn't you hit the nail right on the head about why I blog!

  8. Thanks for sharing you sweet family and all the little reasons you blog. It's alot the same for me; being a mom can fill your day completely and some one will always being needing you but I get lonely just the same. Blogging sort of connects me to people who are on the same page or have the same concerns and interests that I do. I have picked up some nifty tricks along the ways. too. I think it's the sharing that makes it great.

    Hope your week is off to a great start!

  9. Stopping by to say HI. I follow you on FB but sadly had not been to your blog. Great post and thank you for being real.
    Spatulas On Parade

  10. Hi day2daysupermom,

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    Kind regards,

  11. This is awesome! Would love if you shared at Link It or Lump it Link Party

  12. I cannot tell you how much I love this post... We desperately need real life... we need to know that we all battle through those pantry cleanings, or dirty diaper midnight changings - that we aren't alone. Love it! I love that you love your family, and that you are proud of them - you should be! They are beautiful! :) Thanks for blessing us by sharing!

  13. Beautifully written! Supporting each other is so important as bloggers, mothers, wives and women. Thanks for the encouragement!

  14. Thank you all so much. I admire so many of you already & am so happy to be visited by all of you!!!! =)


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