Monday, February 10, 2014

Thumbprint Family Tree ~ SuperMom Monday

I had lots of fun making this sweet and sentimental home decor project with my family.  It didn't take very long to do, especially if you let go of any thought of perfectionism when it comes to kids and finger-painting.  1 Free Family Tree Printable plus 18 Thumbprints later and WALLAH!  A unique Thumbprint Family Tree.  Super cute.

 I was inspired by this project by Restoration Beauty, pin'd it right away and knew it was something I would do for Valentine's Day.  Being that I just got around to it this weekend I was a little bummed that I wouldn't be able to enjoy it very long.  I switched it up by incorporating a 'Fingerprint Tree' to make it a year 'round art piece.
diy fingerprint tree template
Download Free Printable Template HERE from One Fab Day
You might of seen one of these Fingerprint Trees at a wedding or family reunion where the guests add their own fingerprints.  It makes for a really wonderful keepsake and that was just what I was wanting.  How fun to date this and make a new one every year with your family starting now, or when you are first married.
So the supplies are easy-peasy:
Paint or Ink
Printable Family Tree
Card stock
Baby Wipes (optional)

I used red paint that I had on hand and grabbed some baby wipes for a quick clean-up of the painted thumbs.  I practiced a bit on a paper plate so I knew how much paint to put on.  I recommend card stock especially if using paint (regular paper might not dry flat).
Using your index finger might be easier for little ones, and that's what I did with our 8 month old twins.  I laid the first print using my thumb so I had the rest do the same.
I let the whole thing dry overnight then added our names with a fine-point sharpie.  I forgot to add the date until right now as I'm writing this........fixed it.  2014 added!
I liked using red for the thumbprints because it helped them to be recognized as a heart shape but really you could use any color to match your decor.  Pop it in a fun frame to enjoy all year, and not just for Valentine's Day!
If this style tree isn't your fav hold on!  I found a few more  =)
count your blessings tree download
Free Printable HERE from Somewhat Simple
Sugar and Dots: Family Tree Print (Printable Craft!)
Free Printable HERE from Sugar & Dots
I thought this print would look really cute with little thumbprint hearts all over it!
Lovely Little Snippets: i love us {Free Printable}
Free Printable HERE from Lovely Little Snippets
Chances are you have all that you need to make this memorable project right now.  And officially you still have 4 days until Valentine's in case you're looking for a quick memento for yourself or to give as a gift.  I added ours to my Valentine's Mantle for now but I look forward in enjoying it long afterwards.
Is this a project you would leave up all year?  Would you change up the colors or do you like the red?  =)


  1. I love fingerprint things for kids! Never seen this, so cute.
    Visiting from SITS,
    Marie @
    In Our Happy Place

  2. Great printables and adorable project! I love keepsakes like these.

  3. Awwww. This is the cutest sweetest thing I have ever seen! I can't wait to try it!

  4. Heya Super Mom,

    I am a new reader so I have never posted before and I don't want you to think all I do is criticize, but since I am French it bothers me to no end to see a new trend in the USA. This is the word Wallah.

    Wallah almost sounds like the French word it is supposed to be, but is a meaningless misspelling of a French expression adapted for use in English a lot like liaison. I am trying to kill this word in every venue I see in an effort to return the world to one that cares about accuracy and comprehension.

    The French word you were looking for in the article is ViolĂ . With or without the accent on the "a" it sounds like vwallah with a definite V sound; which is why I can understand how American's can say Wallah and think they are being accurate.

    VoilĂ  means "there you go", "Taa Daa" or any variation therein. Please pass this on to all bloggers and every American you meet. Who knows, you may end up being known by all your friends as being cultured if you can explain this to them clearly.

    Love the family tree though. Very nice graphic.

  5. Joelle,

    I find it curious, and a bit hilarious, that you are so offended by 'Wallah.' However you are correct that no one cares about the "accuracy & comprehension" of a "French expression adapted for English."

    Wallah is it's own word here in the good 'ol US of A. I did not want to use the term 'Voila' because I'm not French, even though I do know how to pronounce it so thanks for the quickie French lesson anyway.

    I could of used 'Taa Daa' but I didn't. I said "Wallah!" because that is how I talk. Never in my life have I proudly exclaimed "Voila!" and frankly, never will.

    Perhaps you can pass along to all your French friends that 'Wallah' IS an American word and that it's meaningless derivatives and old world pronunciations will not stop the uncultured heathens in the wild west from using it.

    If being cultured means I put myself above others to look down with a closed mind full of judgement, then I am perfectly happy to stay that way.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the Family Tree though =)

  6. I think this is adorable! I would make one for myself and for the grandma's as they would love it too. I'm pining it so I can put this craft on my "must make list!" Stopping by from SITS Girls.

  7. Such a cute project for Valentine's Day! Stopping by from SITS Girls...

  8. This is adorable, I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  9. This is such a wonderful idea! I love it and am pinning it to share! Thank you so much for sharing it! :D Glad I found you via SITS today! :D

  10. This is TOO cute! I would keep mine in red too. I am visiting from SITS. I hope you are having a great week!

  11. Love this idea! I don't have kids yet but I'm sure my godson would love doing this

  12. Really cute idea and EASY! Stopping by from SITS girls.

  13. What an adorable project! I love that it's something that doesn't have to be Valentine's Day specific and can be displayed in the home all year round. Cute! Stopping by via SITS

  14. Love this idea! Would it be fun in gold? Just a thought! Stopping by from SITS!

  15. This is a really cute idea that I think we're going to do to add some more art to our walls!

  16. This is such a cute idea!! We did something like this when I was in kindergarten SOOOOOO many years ago!

  17. That is a really cute idea for a family heirloom craft project. Stopping by from SITS comment love.

  18. Thanks so much for the Pin Marcia! I agree Ashley, gold would be awesome! I was even thinking each thumbprint heart in a different color would be pretty ~ like all pastels for spring! Thanks all my SITS sisters =)

  19. That is such a cute idea! Would look adorable with little baby fingerprints!

  20. What a cute family project. I love fingerprint and handprint crafts. There is nothing like them, and always such a one of a kind memento.

  21. I am super sentimental so the thought of making one with my family makes me almost teary. I adore this.

  22. This is such a sweet idea. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from SITS.

  23. I think this is a great idea for Grandparents and have pinned it for Grandparents day this fall! Such a cute idea thanks for sharing :)

  24. This is absolutely fabulous!! I LOVE it! Excited to be here for the first time and connect with you on SM. {coming over from The Love Nerds and SITS}

  25. So glad I found you on SITS! I can't wait to try it... Happy Valentine's Day :)

  26. This is cute! We thought about doing something similar for our wedding :)

    ~ Lora @ Crazy Running Girl

  27. This is too cute! I'm going to do this at my housewarming and get friends and family to finger print on the way in. Thank you for sharing this. Also in Australia we say wallah too... Mez xx SITS

  28. What a fantastic idea, and so simple. I love the shade of red that you used.

  29. I think this is such a wonderful idea! Its great for vday.

  30. This is such a fun and cute twist on a family tree design.

  31. Love this Valentine's project and easy enough for me to do also lol! I just pinned it, thanks so much for sharing. (From SITS)

  32. What a GREAT idea! I will have to do with the family.
    Thanks for the idea. Stopping by from Pin Me :)

  33. Personal gifts are the best kind. I think you could make seasonal "trees" the red would be great for Valentine's Day or Christmas, too. Great idea!

  34. How fun! My little boy is always asking about his about his family tree; he used to think it was a tree in out backyard and when we cut it down he was quite upset. This would be a great way to teach him what it actually is.

  35. I adore this idea Marcy and wanted to pop over to thank you for linking up to our DIY Sunday Showcase Party!
    Marie @ The Interior Frugalista

  36. This is gorgeous!! I love a clever way to make something so personal! We'd love it if you linked up with the Awesome Things Tuesday blog hop!

  37. How precious and fun is this. I love it. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  38. I had never seen this idea. I absolutely love it! it's so cute, and I can't wait to try it. I think I would have either the all red thumbprints or maybe each one could use their favorite color. :)

  39. Such a sweet project! =)
    Im a new Pinterest follower from Party on the Porch!

  40. great idea! I went to download the tree and there are two sizes - A3 and A4. which did you use? My son and DIL are having a baby in August. I think when I go up I will have this already for them to do, frame, tree, and paint. they will love it and the other grands will have so much fun@ AND I will be a great Grandmother with lots of fun things to do!!!

    qlt7scrap at gmail dot com

  41. Thank you all so much!!!!! To answer your question Lorene the A4 size is what I used, it's a small file size & is suitable for a home printer. The A3 is a large file so you can print a BIG tree (16x20) for a wedding =)

  42. Hi Marcy! I LOVE this project! I featured it on my guest co-host spot with Do Tell Tuesdays today! Come check it out this week's party when you have time! Thanks! Becky @ My Paper Craze

  43. Thanks so much for the feature Becky!!! =)

  44. Soo cute Marcy! Stopping by to let you know I will be featuring you tomorrow on Made in a Day! Thanks so much for linking up last week!

  45. Yahooooooooo! Thanks so much Kim! Can't wait to share the love =)


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