Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My April Wrap-Up!

Goodness gracious I had a busy month!  You too?  And it seemed to never end.  However
I woke up this morning realizing today is the last day of the month & I didn't post my April Wrap-Up yet.  Jeesh!  Maybe it was the weather...beautiful one day and then dreary the next.  Whatever it was my blogging schedule was jammed packed and now I'm
jam-packing this post with everything all in one place  =)

Let's start with some yummy things, shall we?

Oooohhhh, how 'bout some pretty things now!

Ok.  Are you ready for some doubly-sweetness now?
I had so much fun with my little twinkies 10-month photo shoot!  But all this fun can't last forever. Just like springtime the weather can change on a dime...

Pull up your boot straps mamas, things are getting a little dirty!
TALES from the ICKYSIDE (a humorous, but gross, true story)

Enough of that.  Let's end on a fun note!
See what project was featured in Parade Magazine Online =)

Phew.  Told ya it was a long month!  And you got all the way to the end of this post?
Then you deserve some exciting extras!  Congrats SuperMom's!

Did you know I am now on Instagram?  Yep!  Follow me here.
Oh, and I'm chatting away over at Hometalk.  I love that place!
Plus you can catch me over on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest (duh).  Or just become a SuperSubscriber and you'll see all my new posts in your inbox.  Oh yeah, I'll be starting a YouTube channel soon too!  Will I ever sleep again?!?

My little lady turned 3....going on 13.
 Plus I had a wonderful Easter.  It was such a beautiful day!  We had an inspiring day at Church and I was lucky enough to get this picture snapped before they inhaled and/or drooled any chocolate on their Easter clothes.

 See ya next month.  Don't be surprised if you pop on over to see a new post one day and things look different over here...

day2day SuperMom is getting a make-over  =)

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