Monday, April 28, 2014

How to Talk with Your Kids about Sex: A Christian Book Review ~ SuperMom Monday

How to Talk with Your Kids about Sex: A Christian Book Review ~ SuperMom Monday on day2day SuperMom
I chose this book to read & share my honest review with you.  I was not paid, but was given the book =)
Angry Birds & Killer Bees.  Can the title be any more perfect for this day and age?!!  With my oldest officially a Tween I thought it was about time I prepare myself for 'The Talk' duh duh DUHHHHHNNN!  However I learned through this book to change my thinking, to look at what it truly is;  A continuous conversation that will set up my kiddo's for healthy relationships in the future....a future far FAR away =)

I admit, part of me was hoping that I could just open this book and learn exactly when, where, and what to say to each of my kiddo's to magically turn them into perfect angels who will never make any mistakes.  Wishful thinking, I know.
How to Talk with Your Kids about Sex: A Christian Book Review ~ SuperMom Monday on day2day SuperMom
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One of my favorite things about this book, and about Beacon Hill Press is that their books are written to provide Christian inspiration and support with biblical references.  Now that might seem strange to some in regards to talking about sex but if you stop and think about it, it makes sense!  Our bodies are a gift from our Father in Heaven to be a vessel for our spirits while we are here on Earth.  As parents it is our duty to raise our children with a Christ-centered focus to help bring them home to our Father.

That being said it was jammed packed with knowledge and numbers.  While most was absolutely frightful when looking how young kids are introduced to pornography, ages of sexual experiences and this new world of 'sexting', it is necessary information to empower parents.  Turning a blind eye because it's uncomfortable to talk about will leave our kiddos to fend for themselves through a essential part of their growth that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
How to Talk with Your Kids about Sex: A Christian Book Review ~ SuperMom Monday on day2day SuperMom
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I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants their children to be able to come talk to them about anything, anytime, anywhere instead of going to their peers, or magazines, or the internet to "learn" what they will inevitably learn.  And not just want them too, but have the words and answers that our kids are in need of when they seek the truth.  I feel armed and much, much more capable to guide my kiddo's as they turn
are turning into young men and women.   
How to Talk with Your Kids about Sex: A Christian Book Review ~ SuperMom Monday on day2day SuperMom
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Do I recommend Angry Birds & Killer Bees?  A standing-ovation YES!  I was thinking about lending this out to my SuperBrothers & Sisters  but I'm afraid of never getting back my book.  It reminds me of my college years all marked-up & dog-eared with little stars placed throughout.  However I will beg force SuperHubbie to read it  =)

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