Monday, April 15, 2013

Chores with out the Fight ~ SuperMom Monday

Chores.  Sorry kiddo's but they're a fact of life.  And a good lesson.  Families need to work together as a team.  Learning to be responsible and all that comes along with that.  Consequences and rewards.  Oh yeah, and you will be working the rest of your life (better to learn that one early!)  I've been told I'm a tough Mom, making my kids work....I prefer to be called 'Old School.'  I never grew up feeling entitled and do not want my kiddo's to either (thanks Mom!)

When I saw this Pin on Pinterest on getting kiddo's to clean up without having to nag and/or yell like a crazy woman I knew it was for me. 
Free Printable here: Just Another Day in Paradise
This technique works great for my 4 & 7 year old girls who can tear up the playroom in a matter of moments.  I tell them how long they have to clean up, set a timer and walk away.  Anything that is still on the floor when the buzzer goes off get's scooped into this bucket.  To get their toys out of jail, they have to pull a chore. 
List of printable chores here
What I did was take a bunch of Popsicle sticks, wrote my own chores on them and put the sticks in an empty Crystal Light Mix container.  What stick they pull is what chore they get.  My bigger boys have to 'pull sticks' sometimes as a consequence and that works great too!  Warning: You will be tempted to use this often because you can pass off your most dreaded Chores.  Use it wisely SuperMom's.  But believe you me, it's nice when one of them pulls the "Clean Kitchen Baseboards" stick.

My current 'Chore Chart' is just simply a dry-erase board.  I'm currently collecting various examples of amazing charts and will make a cutesie-fancy one one of these days.  I found this printable Chore Chart here that you can easily print and customize for each of your kiddo's.
Free Printable here: $5 Dinners
Here is a fun way I've created on choosing Chores.  Although don't forget the old saying "Cause I'm the Mom, That's Why!" and assign away any Chores that you want to.  I simply painted a square wooden block with Chalk Paint and took sandpaper to the edges to give it a little distress.  The kiddo's get to roll it, see what it lands on, and that's what they get.  It also works great for a reward system.  Learn how to make your own Chalk Paint here.
Now don't get me wrong.  I'm not running a child-sized sweat shop over here.  But everyone has chores, daily.  My just-turned-two-year-old puts the napkins on the dinner table along with forks and/or spoons.  Are they perfectly lined up and presentable for the Queen?  No.  But she's 2 and she's learning.  
Free Printable here: The Happy Housewife
Along with their usual Daily Chores I often give "15 Minutes Challenges" Daily Challenges that I either make up myself or get from The Fly Lady.  Challenges such as 'Clean under your bed' '11 toy toss' or 'Organize DVD shelf.'
After the kiddo's have completed their Challenge they get to write their name on a raffle ticket and put it in the jar.  Once a week I pull a name and that child get a reward.  
Usually the first Challenge of the week is to 'Make their beds'.  As the week progresses and they complete that day's Challenge along with previous Challenges they get to put two tickets in, but I leave this as an option.  If they do all the Challenges all week, they are guaranteed a reward.  A little lesson that if they go above and beyond they will get rewarded for it.  So whoever ticket gets drawn, and they completed all the Challenges for that week, they pick 2 rewards!

So the biggest stumbling blocks for us SuperMom's is this:  Show them how to do it, the right way and the most efficient.  Then let them learn.  It's ok to correct them if they haven't tried their hardest (our Family Rule #2), but be careful not to criticize.  My 7 year old makes her bed "just beautifully!" although the cover is askew and she has like 50 bajillion stuffed friends in a pile.  But hey, it's her collection of her favorite friends that she just can't sleep without.  Also ~ it takes 3 WEEKS for a new habit to become second nature.  Give yourself time before you give up!

All said and done, there is one thing we mustn't forget.  Teach your kids to do Chores, it's a life lesson.  But don't get caught up in your own Chores that you miss out on life with your kids. 
Image 1
Sign available at Catching Fireflies
 I'd love to hear your Chore stories.  What works for you?  What didn't?   


  1. Some really great ideas. I need to implement these!! Thank you for sharing! I’d love to have you visit me at Get Your Crap Together! We have a Pattern Party from the 1st of the month to the 10th and would love you to check it out. See you soon!

  2. I currently do many of these, but have never seen the Roll for a chore before. Very cute idea. Thank you for sharing it at the Pin it Monday Hop!

  3. Thank you ladies for stopping by & enjoying my tips =)

  4. OMG i love this, thanks for sharing!!

    am a new follower (found you on the link up) hope you can follow back

  5. Thanks for linking up all your great posts! Hope to see you again this week @ Inspiration Spotlight on Have a great weekend!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is great, and maybe it really could help my youngest one picking up after himself. :)

    Thanks for sharing. I'm visiting today from the No Rules Weekend blog party.

  8. Hi! Found you on A Creative Princess blog hop. Love these ideas, especially the wooden chalk board painted blocks. I will have to remember this one as my 17 month old gets older. Was already following via FB, now following G+ as well.
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  9. Thank you ladies for visiting ~ and following =)

  10. Great ideas for assigning chores! I had to laugh when you said your children can tear up the playroom in a matter of minutes because boy- isn't that the truth! It amazes me how my children can make such a mess in such a small amount of time!

  11. hahahaha! Plus the smaller the child = the bigger the mess! Crazy!

  12. I love this post Marcy particularly the "roll a chore" blocks ... I've featured them in my round-up of kids chalkboard ideas, Alice @ Mums Make Lists x

  13. Thanks so much for the feature Alice! Hooray!! =)


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