Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mini Taco Nachos *Man Approved ~ Taco Tuesday

Mini Taco Nacho's.  One of my SuperHubbie's favorite snacks, dinner, lunches, party food...you name it.  Actually he's kinda obsessed with Mini Taco's.  The little meat & cheese stuffed one's you can get in the freezer isle.  Sometimes the guilt of serving him Mini Taco's for a meal would sneak in so I tweeked it a bit to sneak in a little something fresh and more filling.  Plus it's quick and easy so I don't mind fixing him a late night snack once in a while.  Gotta keep up my SuperWife status  =)

Gather your supplies, whatever you like on regular nachos.  Olives, chili, leftover ground beef or taco meat...don't forget about guacamole.  My hubbie is rather simple tho.  NOT complaining!
Spread out your Taco's and cook according to the package directions for the shortest time.  For instance this brand calls for a 425 degree oven for 8-10 minutes.  Put them in for 8 minutes.  When done push the Taco's together and sprinkle with half the cheese.  Then add the toppings you don't mind getting hot.  *If adding extra meat I recommend heating this up in the microwave until warm before topping your Taco's.  Finally top it all with the remaining cheese.  
Now it's time to pop these baby's back into the oven for another 3-5 minutes.  Mmmmm.... melty. 
Now grab a spatula and lift the Taco's in small groups onto a plate.  I like to try and keep them arranged how they were on the sheet, but if your Super Man has not been that Super today you could always just dump them on his plate (he'll still eat 'em!)
If adding chili now is the time to do it (don't forget to pre-heat it).  Last but not least add your cold toppings such as salsa, lettuce, chopped tomato and a side of sour cream.  Here's where you can try and sneak in as many fresh veggies as you can.   
This is a 1/2 box serving ~ approximately 12 Mini Taco's.  For a bigger crowd just cook more Taco's!  2 boxes (48 Mini Taco's) will fit on a standard sized baking sheet.  

Mini Taco Nacho's
Prep Time: 5 minutes  
Cooking & Assembly Time:  13-15 minutes
Servings:  1 hungry Man

12 Mini Taco's
1 cup shredded cheese, divided
1/4 cup jarred jalapenos
1/4 cup shredded lettuce
sour cream
*other toppings to taste:
chapped tomatoes, diced onions, olives
guacamole, chili or any leftover taco meat

Preheat oven according to Mini Taco directions (usually 425).
Arrange Taco's on sheet and cook for about 8 minutes (or according to lowest time listed on the box).  When done, pull out Taco's and push them together so they are touching.  Top with 1/2 the cheese.  Add desired toppings to be heated, such as jalapenos.  Top with remaining cheese and put back into the oven for 3-5 minutes.  When finished use a spatula to move Taco's onto a plate, being careful to keep a few together at a time.  Top with remaining cold toppings such as salsa, lettuce and tomatoes.  Serve immediately with a side of sour cream and/or guacamole!

Have you made these yet?  Is the 'Man Approved' label still holding true?  I'd love to hear from ya!


  1. These look so super good! These would be fixed for girls' night at my house. My girls always want to gathering if I mention that I will be having snacks. No snacks...no gathering. LOL. Found you on the Pin Junkie.


  2. Thanks for stopping by! Anything that keeps our kiddo's around works for me!! Snack away! =)

  3. Yum! Can't wait to try these. Tex-Mex is always invited to our adobde:)
    Visiting from Pint-sized Treasures

  4. Thanks for the Pin! I hope your family enjoys it as much as mine does =)

  5. This is yummy! Thanks a lot for sharing the recipe. A must try.

  6. This looks like a super easy and yummy dinner! Can't wait to give it a try!

  7. Thank you ladies! It is super easy, and yummy too =)

  8. Featuring your recipe & rolling pin posts tomorrow! @ DearCreatives.com when you drop by to see the feature pick up your featured button or email me & I can send it to you!

  9. Mini Taco Nachos!! Heck YES!! :) Thank you for posting on Thank Goodness It's Thursday linky party!!

  10. You are welcome Becky ~ thanks so much for stopping by =)


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