Friday, April 19, 2013

Vintage Rolling Pin Hook Rack ~ DIY Friday

Vintage Rolling Pin Hook Rack ~ DIY Friday on day2day SuperMom
This was one of my favorite DIY projects to do for a few reasons.  One, it took some garage-salin' and thrift-store scouring to find my rolling pins.  Two, I utilized the skills of my SuperHubbie to cut the pins and attach them to my board. Not saying us girlies can't do it ~ but he can do that stuff much better then me!  Three, I just love love LOVE they way it turned out.  Let me tell you how easy this DIY project really is!

After I gathered my supplies and found the perfect rolling pins to use I scavenged a old piece of cedar barn wood from my hubbies pile 'o wood.  You really can use any rolling pins but I really wanted older pins that had a warn-look from rolling out hundreds of pies!  I also like the barn wood I found because it had old nail holes with dents and scratches ~ just perfect for the vintage look I was after. 
Vintage Rolling Pin Hook Rack ~ DIY Friday on day2day SuperMom

I spray painted my barn wood with one of my favorite paints from Krylon Indoor/Outdoor Paint in Satin Ivory. It dries super fast and works on just about any surface.  I covered the entire piece of wood but didn't worry too much about perfection as I then took a piece of 220 sand paper to sand away the paint to allow the wood to show through.

Hubbie took my pins and cut them on his chop saw at about a 22 degree angle so they would tilt up.  The nice thing about cutting the pins in half is you actually can make 2 of these!  

After a couple of measurements and arranging the pins in the order I liked he screwed the pins to the board from the back.  We also squirted a bit of Liquid Nails down the center of the pin so the dowel of the handle would stay put now that it was cut in two.  

So far I had about $20 invested between the pins & the paint (still have lots of paint left).  We already had the liquid nails and the barn wood.  Here is the picture I found on Pinterest that was my inspiration for this project:
Rolling Pin Hook Rack
Available: Blue Bird Heaven Etsy Shop $107 incl. shipping
Once everything was together I just let it sit for about 24-48 hours to let the Liquid Nails really take hold.  Once it dried we attached two heavy-duty saw tooth picture holders to the back to allow for easy hanging and a strong hold.

That's about it!  Easy Peasy!  Again, I loved taking my time to find the perfect rolling pins for this because now a days garage-salin' is considered 'dates' for my hubbie and I.  And I do consider myself lucky that he enjoys it as much as I do.  

But perhaps you have some old pins of your grandmothers that you want displayed so you can appreciate them daily.  This would be a perfect project for that!
Vintage Rolling Pin Hook Rack ~ DIY Friday on day2day SuperMom
Or if you have a more modern style you can always purchase new pins, even paint them all a fun red or silver and attach them to a piece of birch wood.  Be warned the newer pins have a metal dowel inside when cutting.  Either way be prepared for lots of compliments on the touch of whimsy in your home.  And you get to say.....      "I did it myself!"  =)
Vintage Rolling Pin Hook Rack ~ DIY Friday on day2day SuperMom
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this project!      A "Must-Do" or Tacky & Ewww!


  1. I think it is an awesome "must do!" Love it.

    <3 Christina @ I Gotta Create!
    Wildly Original link party is open

  2. Glad you like it Christina! Thanks for stopping by =)

  3. Love vintage rolling pins! Great job :) Autumn greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  4. Thank you Pernilla ~ have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Love this! Clever & cute project :-)

    Linda - With A Blast

  6. Such a cute idea! Wish I could find more vintage things inexpensively. I'll have to be on the hunt for some.
    Come link up sometime @ I'd love to have you drop by & share your creativity!

  7. I LOVE this!! It is absolutely adorable. I am totally going to do this!

  8. Thanks for the invite Theresa ~ I'll be there! Jennifer, I'm glad you liked it! When you get yours done let me know & I'll feature you on my blog! =)

  9. What a good idea. I love the fact that the rolling pins all have different and interesting handles.

  10. It's a must do, obviously. I only have one vintage rolling pin, but now I guess I have good reason to go searching for more. Thanks for the great idea. I'll pin it and save it for such a time as I have the rest of the needed pins!


  11. That's unique and cute! I'm visiting today from the Let's Get Social Sunday hop. :)

  12. This is great! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I'm excited so many of you talented ladies have enjoyed this project! Thank you!!! =)

  14. This is so cute. I have pinned this on my DIY Crafts board Saw this post in Pin It Monday.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  15. Love vintage homemade things. So cute.

    Consider yourself hugged,

  16. Love this project! Although I'd be sad cutting up the rolling pins.

    Happy WW :))

  17. LOL! I did find all my pins at garage sales & thrift stores so there wasn't too much attachment to them =)

  18. How fun is that? I LOVE it! Now I have to figure out where I can put one of those... Our Simply Create Link party is going on right now. I would love to have you link up, as I'm sure my followers would like to see what you created too. Hope to see you soon!


  19. This is the cutest thing I have seen for the kitchen! I just love this:) I can't wait to be on the hunt looking for old rolling pins now! Thanks for the great idea:) I am your newest follower on g+ and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  20. Thanks Melissa ~ just Linked up! And thank YOU Shannon for the follow & following you right back =)

  21. I run across vintage rolling pins all of the time but I never knew what to do with them. Now I do!

    Hugs, Smiles & Blessings,

    Fluster Buster
    Creativity Inspired by Frustration

  22. What a clever idea for the kitchen! So glad you found about One Crafty Contest and stopped by to enter! Good luck!

  23. Thank you Amy ~ and for your awesome contest! What fun!!

  24. Marcy, did you see you made the Top 20?! I need you to verify that you're competing; round 1 starts at midnight!

  25. Such a cute idea! Love

  26. Thanks so much Andrea =) Have a Merry Christmas


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