Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Office to Twin Nursery Reveal ~ part 2 ~ diy Chalk Board Labels

diy Chalk Board Labels
With the news of having boy/girl Twins I fell in love with the idea of a 'Two Peas in a Pod' Nursery theme.  That was the easy part.  Transforming our Office space into a Nursery was a bit more tricky.  If you missed Part 1 on how I quickly & easily covered up the built-in desk you can check it out here.  Now see how I turned the built-in bookshelves into a dresser.  Plus learn how to make {almost} FREE Chalk Board Labels!

So making the conversion from bookshelf to dresser was relatively easy.  A few canvas boxes, blue & pink ribbon and a quick trip to the local hardware store for a few samples...
diy Chalk Board Labels
Any guess as to what the pre-Chalk Board Labels are?  That's right!  Formica samples!  I originally saw this idea from the brilliant Barb over at Second Chance to Dream and Pin'd it right away.  Since the Formica samples are free, and I already had Rust-Oleum Chalkboard Spray,making these labels was {almost} FREE.  You could also make your own Chalk Board paint so the labels would match your decor.  Learn how to easily turn any color paint into Chalk Board paint here.  

Ok so here is the quick & easy process.  Lay out your samples to be painted.  I chose darker samples just because I was going to be painting them black.  But the paint does cover very well so any sample color will do!
diy Chalk Board Labels
Next, spray!  Or paint with a sponge brush if you have Chalk Board paint by the can or have mixed your own.  I gave mine a few quick coats and let them dry ~ only about 15 minutes!
diy Chalk Board Labels
Now it's time to label!  Grab a piece of chalk and have at it!  Since my tags were for labeling my canvas boxes aka 'dresser drawers' I proceeded to make quick notes as to the contents of each box.  Because the Nursery is for Twins, one being a boy and the other a girl, I decided to use colored ribbon to hang the labels from.  That way in a sleepless stupper I could easy find, or better yet easily tell SuperDad where a new set of PJ's are.
diy Chalk Board Labels
As the our little Twinkies grow, the labels can easily be changed to reflect what the boxes hold.  Here's a quick look at the canvas-box-drawers before the label is added.
diy Chalk Board Labels
And after ~ BIG difference!  Plus the pop of color looks cute!
diy Chalk Board Labels
This bookshelf now functions as a dresser!  The top two units hold Sister's PJ's and swaddles for the next 3 months, the bottom units hold Brothers.  
diy Chalk Board Labels
We have more built-in cabinets over the desk we covered in Part 1 and I used a few labels over there too.  
diy Chalk Board Labels
Love how easy this project was.  Love how easily I can change the labels over and over again.  Which saves me time and energy ~ both of which I'm severally lacking right now!  And love how the colored ribbon really ties the room and mural together.  Stay tuned for Friday in Part 3 when I show the rest of the little details and the full picture of my Two Peas in a Pod mural  =)


  1. Awesome idea!

    Thanks so much for sharing at A Peek Into My Paradise TGIF Link Party! I can't wait to see what you link up next week! I hope to see you at the (Not SO) Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!
    Have a terrific week!
    Hugs, Cathy

  2. Your awesome chalkboard tags were featured at Give Me the Goods Monday! I'd love for you to head over to check it out and grab a button:
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  3. Thank you SO much Jenna for the feature! WHOO HOO! =D

  4. This is a genius idea!! I think this will be my next Pinterest project. Thanks for sharing.


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