Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Dinner ~ day2day Tips ~ Taco Tuesday

Happy Birthday Dinner ~ day2day Tips ~ Taco Tuesday
Birthday Dinner.  It's a simple tradition that I grew up with and have done for my kiddo's on each and every birthday.  When my first little one was still just a baby my SuperMama gave me my own "You are Special Today" plate.  AKA the "Red Plate" that we were privileged to eat off one day a year, on our birthday.

The rules are quite simple.  Every birthday your child get's to pick what's for dinner.  And what's for dinner is their favorite foods.  The one stipulation I have is it has to be dinner food.  No ice cream or cookies.  Although you'd be quite the SuperMom if you dropped the must-be-dinner-food rule.  One year my younger brother who was maybe like 4 years old picked hot dogs and croutons for dinner.  Yep.  That's it.  Cold hot dogs and hard croutons.  And that's what we got.  I still haven't forgiven him for that one.

A few days ago my sweet Bella turned the big 5.  One whole hand worth of fingers.  This year for her Birthday Dinner she chose Macaroni & Cheese (the Sponge Bob vintage), watermelon and garlic bread.  We all sang her "Happy Birthday" and then ate dinner. 
She was as happy as a clam in Bikini Bottom.  And so was I   =)
Happy Birthday Dinner ~ day2day Tips ~ Taco Tuesday
Any fun family traditions you'd like to share?  I'd love to hear about them ~ and maybe steal them too!


  1. I love this tradition, so easy to do and it is one my children always remember, yes even the cold hot dogs and hard croutons!

  2. Our family birthdays meant the household favorite would be prepared ...usually the Mostaccioli. It was the signal that this was a big event. lol! Thanks for sharing your family tradition at the Shady Porch. Blessings, D

  3. Thank you Margaret ~ and you are welcome D =)


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