Thursday, July 11, 2013

Recyclable Drainage ~ day2day Tips ~ GreenThumb Thursday

Recyclable Drainage ~ day2day Tips ~ GreenThumb Thursday
Has anyone else sent their kiddo's out to the driveway with a bucket to gather up rocks so you can put them in the bottom of your garden pots for drainage...or is it just me?  Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?  Well not anymore thanks to (insert echo here) 

Ok so it's not that serious.  But it is a pretty awesome day2day Tip if I must say.  And quite simple.  Simple as 1-2-3 really.

Step 1.  Grab your empty soda or water bottles.  Aluminum cans or the flimsy containers your small plants and herbs come in would work great too.  Now throw them in the bottom of your garden pot.
Recyclable Drainage ~ day2day Tips ~ GreenThumb Thursday
Step 2.  Pour your potting soil into your pot.  Notice how you don't use near as much as you normally would?  Yippee!  More potting soil = more stuff you can plant.  
Recyclable Drainage ~ day2day Tips ~ GreenThumb Thursday
Step 3.  Plant away!  For this particular pot I chose a couple varieties of Basil.  Oh my, how I just L.O.V.E. Basil.  
Recyclable Drainage ~ day2day Tips ~ GreenThumb Thursday
 That's it!  Told ya it was simple.  But what a great way to use your old plastic bottles and cans for amazing drainage in your garden pots.  Plus not waste so much potting soil trying to fill up your pot.  Oh, and your driveway (and Hubbie) will thank you too.  Bonus.


  1. This is a good idea and it does work! I've done it out of necessity...big pot and not enough soil. There were no ill effects and the plants looked pretty as expected.
    Thanks for sharing at the Shady Porch! D

  2. Great idea! Thanks for sharing at my Pin Me Linky Party!

  3. I didn't even know I should be doing this! I love container gardening but I feel like I'm still new and learning things all the time!

    Thanks for following me at Eight Days a Week!

  4. You are welcome Savannah ~ and thank you too! =)


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